hi! hi! What we will do today? - I have an idea, we descend in the Zoo. - A class, went. - Look a giraffe. - And elephant. - It is here left. - Class today opening of a new terrarium. - Same sea lion. - It not where isn't present. - That is why this zoo the coolest. - Here still there is a sea zoo. - Well everything will suffice for today. bye! bye! - It is necessary to advise to the father to remove it a zoo, after all it the coolest!
-hello,can you help me?
-hello,yes,of course
-what a the most atracttive enterteiment in London?
-hmm...to my mind,its zoo park..you can see a crocodaile,monkeys,elephants, giraffes, ostriches and et cetera
-wow.. where are located a zoo?
- Zoo located in London street,you need turn right then turn left..
-thank you
-good luck!
What we will do today?
- I have an idea, we descend in the Zoo.
- A class, went.
- Look a giraffe.
- And elephant.
- It is here left.
- Class today opening of a new terrarium.
- Same sea lion.
- It not where isn't present.
- That is why this zoo the coolest.
- Here still there is a sea zoo.
- Well everything will suffice for today.
- It is necessary to advise to the father to remove it a zoo, after all it the coolest!