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Digital Newspapers on Their Way Traditional and digital news media might soon merge to produce daily
newspapers on iPads. This is if the plans of Apple owner Steve Jobs and newspaper
mogul * Rupert Murdoch come to fruition ** . Industry rumours say the new newspaper
will be called “The Daily”. There might even be a name to replace newspaper, as the
new project will, of course, be paperless. There will be no print edition or even a Web
edition of this new media. It will download straight to the iPad or alternative tablet for
an unbeatable *** price of 99 cents a week. Jobs and Murdoch maybe onto a winning
thing here. The Apple boss has the technology to be able to deliver digital news and Mr
Murdoch owns the world’s biggest news corporation. They also both have a knack of
knowing what people want.
There are reports that Murdoch is particularly interested in the iPad and how popular it
is. He told Fox Business this week that The Daily was his “Number one most exciting
project.” He seems to believe people will prefer to read the news on such a device rather
than a traditional broadsheet newspaper. There are advantages of the tablet over a paper,
such as the lack of origami-style gymnastics required to turn a page on a crowded train,
or avoid the corner getting soaked in milk at the breakfast table. Other more obvious
benefits to an iPad include the higher level of interactivity the user has with the news.
Another advantage for Mr Murdoch and his News Corporation is that he could increase
revenues by selling apps designed specifically for the iPad.
* mogul – магнат
** come to fruition — здійснитись
*** unbeatable – неперевершений
knack – здібність
revenues – доходи
TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if a-h below are true (T) or false (F).
a. Newspapers might soon appear with moving images on their pages. T / F
b. Steve Jobs and Rupert Murdoch have an idea about fruit. T / F
c. The new news idea could cost as little as 99 cents a week. T / F
d. Messrs Jobs and Murdoch seem to know about people’s likes. T / F
e. This news project is the most exciting of Mr Murdoch’s projects. T / F
f. Murdoch believes people prefer news in papers rather than on iPads. T / F
g. There might be a danger of newspapers getting wet with milk. T / F
h. Mr Murdoch is thinking of making available all apps for free. T / F
2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article.
1. merge a. version
2 fruition b. ability
3. edition c. advantages
4. alternative d. combine

5. knack e. income
6. particularly f. completion
7. prefer to g. especially
8. required h. substitute
9. benefits i. needed
10. revenues j. rather
3. PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.)
1. Traditional and digital news media a. to an iPad
2 There will be no b. thing here
3. It will download c. read the news
4. maybe onto a winning d. print edition
5. have a knack of knowing e. might soon merge
6. people will prefer to f. by selling apps
7. There are advantages g. what people want
8. more obvious benefits h. the user has
9. the higher level of interactivity i. straight to the iPad
10. increase revenues j. of the tablet

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25.08.2022 10:56

I go to school five days a week, so I have two days off -Saturday and Sunday (I'm lucky, because some other pupils have the only one day off). During the week I am very busy, so I like to have a rest on weekend.

I am not an early riser and it is a rare Saturday or Sunday when I get up before 9 o'clock. I enjoy staying in bed, when I don't have to hurry anywhere.We have late breakfast at 10 and watch TV. Usually we have something tasty: meat salad, fried potatoes, chicken, cake or pie.

If the weather is fine, I usually do not stay indoors, I and my dog go outside. Often we go to the park and play there. If the weather is rainy and gloomy, I stay at home and watch TV, listen to the music, read the books.

After dinner we go visit our grandparents or relatives, or just simply take a nap. Sometimes when my friends call me we go rollerblading near the Opera theatre. I like rollerblading very much, I think it is a lot of fun.In the evenings I like to watch video and music programs. There is a big armchair in my room right beside the lamp with blue shade. If it is cold I like to sit there with cup of coffee and read.

Sometimes I do something special on weekends: go to an art exhibition, to the theatre, to the concert.

I always go to bed late on Sundays, and Monday morning is the nastiest thing through all the week. I like weekends very much, because I can rest and gain some energy for the next week.:

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04.04.2022 11:12

1. Wherever she went, she always chose a beautiful outfit. 2. She deserves only contempt if she looks down on her employees. 3.Under the circumstances, I must find myself a companion.

4. Both in public and in private, she treated only with respect and admiration for this actress. 5.I warned you, so watch out! 6.Halfway to the house, I decided to spend the remaining time with my friend and dropped in to him without calling. 7.You are no better than me, so help me, and do not stand and watch me clean the apartment. 8. As usual, she first likes to look around, and then choose a place to rest. 9. I was not mistaken, her business went smoothly.

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