Do project work 3 complete a page in your english album write about your favourite russian film, explain why you like it. Use the net and other sources of information. Illustrate your story with pictures. Don’t forget to think of an outline for your story before you write it. Ask your family and/or friends to help you if necessary. Выполните страницу в вашем английском альбоме, напишите о вашем любимом русском фильме, объясните, почему он вам нравится. Используйте сеть и другие источники информации. Иллюстрируйте свою историю фотографиями. Не забудьте придумать план вашей истории, прежде чем писать его. При необходимости попросите свою семью и/или друзей вам.
It was 10 o’clock on a dark winter night. Mr. Trindel was driving home alone on a small country road. The stars went and it was very quiet. Suddenly his car stopped . Mr. Trindle looked under the bonnet but everything seemed to be normal. Then, when he was looking at the engine, he heard a strange noise. A UFO was flying above him. He couldn’t believe his eyes. A bright light shone on him and he felt very strange. He was thinking what to do when suddenly everything got quiet. When Mr. Trindle got into the car the radio was talking about a UFO that people had seen the previous night. “The previous night?” Mr. Tridle looked at his watch. It was 7 o’clock in the morning.