In the beginning, during the 19th century, culinary art exhibitions were a forum for the reformers of the culinary art. Today, in our fast- moving time, the function of culinary art exhibitions is to provide models, as well as a podium for the international development of the culinary art.
The focal point, however, is no longer the culinary art alone. Service and the culture of table presentation have been included in this field of art. The ambience must be considered. The creation of the menu has become obligatory. The technical development gives new opportunities for quality improvement and economic efficiency. Nutrition in its totality is demonstrated in all its forms, in theory and practice. Where else but at a culinary art exhibition have the public and the professional world a chance to obtain so complete an overview of the present position of culinary art?
Without culinary art exhibitions, the rising generation would not be in a position to see what can be done. It may be possible today, to ravel to every comer of the world, but not everybody because of lack of time or financial means can do so. Through culinary exhibitions, one has an opportunity to see in one’s own realm new developments and exotic creations from very alien cultures.
Chefs, culinarians, and leaders representing all segments of the food- service industry, including restaurants, private clubs, hotels, and culinary schools get together to demonstrate their art and to exchange ideas.
There are usually several categories of competitions: hot-food section, cold-kitchen section, pastries and desserts category, menu of the day, festive menu, restaurant of the nations and others. In the hot food section, each team is required to produce many portions of a three-course meal that has a seafood appetizer, a main course with appropriate accompaniments and dessert. The cold-food section usually includes finger foods; starters; meat, poultry, or fish; a three-course meal including dessert; a vegetarian restaurant platter; a tasting menu; and desserts.
Festive menu is a menu for celebration. This menu should be practical enough for a small banquet of 20 persons. The choice of how many courses is up to the organizers. Culinary art exhibitions arc worldwide window. Female and male looks would be well advised to gel inspired and, wherever this makes sense, to incorporate into their daily work what they have seen and experienced.
Correct the wrong statements.
1. The creation of the menu is very easy.
2. A good cook must know the basics of nutrition.
3. The only purpose of culinary art exhibitions is to show exotic dishes from different countries.
4. Male are better cooks than female
5. Cooks have no opportunity to incorporate into their daily work what they see at culinary art exhibitions.
6. Nutrition has nothing to do with culinary art.
7. Nutrition is a science of processes by which nutrients, are taken and absorbed into body tissues.
8. Gastronomy is the art of good eating.
9. Culinary art doesn’t include the creation of the menu.
Answer the questions:
10. What are the goals of Culinary Art Exhibition?
11. How many categories of presentation at Culinary Art Exhibitions do you know?
12. Is dessert a necessary part of a meal?
13. Does the jury taste any of the dishes presented at Culinary Exhibitions?
14. What is festive menu?
15. How many courses are usually included into a proper meal?
the grass is not growing. (Sayings of the good) Looks like a snake from his pocket. (Sayings of the good) Looks like the devil to pop. (Sayings of the good) Looks, exactly seven swallowed, choked osmium. (Sayings of the good) says three days, and all about evil individuals. (Sayings of the good) Do good to others - you will not trouble himself. (Sayings of the good) Doing evil to good is not hope. (Sayings of the good) For all the people angry Natalia - channels. (Sayings of the good) for such a nature and Satan did not scare. (Sayings of the good) Good shun - the people do not know. (Sayings of the good) Good wish, and do good. (Sayings of the good) Good look and evil itself will come. (Sayings of the good) Good for evil do not change. (Sayings of the good) Good does not make sense, so do not thin. (Sayings of the good) Good, that treasure, looking for a bad hand. (Sayings of the good) of repute hate evil. (Sayings of the good) Welcome to be fun and live in the sweetness.
where the foot shall tread - the grass is not growing. (Proverbs about good) Looks like a snake from her bosom. (Proverbs about good) Looks like hell on the ass. (Proverbs about good) Looks, exactly seven swallowed, осьмым choked. (Proverbs about good) Says three days, and all about'.(Proverbs about good) Do others good - be myself without trouble. (Proverbs about good) by the evil, the good hope not. (Proverbs about good For evil Natalia all people - beasts. (Proverbs about good For the nature and Satan are not afraid. (Proverbs about good) Good cleanse - with people did not associate. (Proverbs about good) Good desire, and do good. (Proverbs about good) Good look, and evil will come. (Proverbs about good) Good for evil does not change. (Proverbs about good) Good't understand, so bad don't do. (Proverbs about good) Good, that treasure, looking for, and evil at hand. (Proverbs about good) Good fame evil hated. (Proverbs about good) Good to be in joy and live in sweets. (Proverbs about good) Good вспомянется, and famously not be forgotten. (Proverbs about good) Good make - good and dream, and evil do - evil and a dream. (Proverbs about good) Good наживай, and evil изживай. (Proverbs about good) Good not famously - walking quietly. (Proverbs about good) Good not die and the evil will disappear. (Proverbs about good) encourage Good and evil condemn. (Proverbs about good) Good sow good and reap. (Proverbs about good) to do Good - entertained themselves. (Proverbs about good) Good then there will be good, when people praise. (Proverbs about good) Good hold on, and from the evil depart. (Proverbs about good) Good honor, but the evil will not be sorry. (Proverbs about good. Virtue is rewarded. (Proverbs about good) Good brotherhood better wealth. (Proverbs about good) Good work two centuries lives. (Proverbs about good) Good work not опоздано. (Proverbs about good) Good work one one better, the evil - one one worse. (Proverbs about good) Good work itself praises. (Proverbs about good) Good silence - than not the answer. (Proverbs about good) Good word to man - the rain in a drought. (Proverbs about good) Good seed is good and the sun. (Proverbs about good) Good смолчится, bad молвится. (Proverbs about good) Good give - yourself увеселишь. (Proverbs about good) Good everywhere good. (Proverbs about good) Good guest boss happy. (Proverbs about good Good good and glory. (Proverbs about good) Good man - that day, and holiday. (Proverbs about good Good man of the world - his house, evil - and his own hut of a stranger. (Proverbs about good) Good man and a strange disease to heart. (Proverbs about good) Good person assistance is not a loss. (Proverbs about good) Kindness without the mind is empty. (Proverbs about good) Good news to add honour. (Proverbs about good) Good Ivan - and people, and the us; thin Ivan - neither people, nor the us. (Proverbs about good) Good dog better evil man. (Proverbs about good Good man in good live century. (Proverbs about good Good man cries of joy, and the evil - from envy. (Proverbs about good) Good to be kind and mean. (Proverbs about good) Good work not measles.(Proverbs about good) It kopeck poor hand burns.(Proverbs about good) If the nettles not cold, she would have all the people пережалила. (Proverbs about good) Burns, as nettles, and stings like a hedgehog. (Proverbs about good) Live kinder, will be all the sweeter. (Proverbs about good), for good, For good and get paid. (Proverbs about good) For a good man one hundred hands. (Proverbs about good) For a good wait for good, for bad bad. (Proverbs about good) Заведутся ' for three days, and not overcome up to age. (Proverbs about good) Замашка bullock - looking from under his brows. (Proverbs about good) Evil lie low may not. (Proverbs about good)