До ть будь ласка !! Завдання для самостійної роботи (теоретична частина)
1) Іменник. Утворення множини. Злічувані та незлічувані іменники.
2) Артикль. Означений. Неозначений. Нульовий.
3)Прикметник. Ступені порівняння прикметників.
4)Прислівник. Ступені порівняння прислівників.
5) Займенник. Особові, присвійні, неозначені, заперечні, питальні, означальні, вказівні, кількісні займенники.
6)Числівники. Зв’язки. Сполучники. Прийменники.
7)Допоміжні дієслова. Постановка запитань. Модальні дієслова.
8)Теперішній/минулий/ майбутній часи дієслова.
9)Активний та пасивний стан дієслова дієслова.
10) Непряма мова.Умовні речення.
The height of the whole statue together with the pedestal was, according to various estimates, from 12 to 17 meters.
The impression was, "what if Zeus would rise from his throne, tore down the roof".
People next to this statue seemed insignificant insect.
Gold were covered with a Cape, that covered part of the body of Zeus
Zeus in his left hand a sceptre with an eagle, the statue of the goddess of victory — Nika he held in his right hand.
Gold were covered with a Cape, that covered part of the body of Zeus
The feet of Zeus rest on a bench supported by two lions.
The eye of Zeus were the size of a fist of an adult.
In 435 BC, took place the solemn opening of the statue
The construction of the temple took about 10 years. But the statue of Zeus appeared not at once.
The Greeks invited the Athenian sculptor Pheidias to create the statue of Zeus.
Phidias himself was very sensitive about the material that he delivered.
He was particularly critical of ivory, from which he created the body of God) Can help me please to translate this simple sentences
The height of the whole statue together with the pedestal was, according to various estimates, from 12 to 17 meters.
The impression was, "what if Zeus would rise from his throne, tore down the roof".
People next to this statue seemed insignificant insect.
Gold were covered with a Cape, that covered part of the body of Zeus
Zeus in his left hand a sceptre with an eagle, the statue of the goddess of victory — Nika he held in his right hand.
Gold were covered with a Cape, that covered part of the body of Zeus
The feet of Zeus rest on a bench supported by two lions.
The eye of Zeus were the size of a fist of an adult.
In 435 BC, took place the solemn opening of the statue
The construction of the temple took about 10 years. But the statue of Zeus appeared not at once.
The Greeks invited the Athenian sculptor Pheidias to create the statue of Zeus.
Phidias himself was very sensitive about the material that he delivered.
He was particularly critical of ivory, from which he created the body of God) Can help me please to translate this simple sentences