«воображение» — ситуация, представляемая индивидуумом или группой, не соответствующая реальности, но выражающая их желания. Фантазия - это импровизация на свободную тему. Фантазировать, значит воображать, сочинять, представлять. Фантазия — обязательное условие творческой деятельности человека, которое выражается в построении образа или наглядной модели её результатов в тех случаях, когда информация не требуется (чистая фантазия) или ее недостаточно. Примером тому, могут быть разрозненные архивные источники, на основе которых, писатель создает цельное произведение, дополняя посредством собственной фантазии возможные связки, а также внося по мере возможности своего таланта живое впечатление. ПЕРЕВОД imagination - situations of individual or group does not correspond to reality, but expressing their desires. Fantasia - a free improvisation on the theme. Fantasize, so imagine, compose, submit. Fantasia - a prerequisite of human creativity, which is reflected in the construction of the image or visual model of its results in cases where the information is not required (pure fantasy) or it is not enough. An example of this can be scattered archival sources, based on which, the writer creates an integral work, complementing through their own imaginations possible ligament, as well as the possibility of bringing his talent live experience.
1. When did you have your last meal? — I had my last meal 2 hours ago.
2. Where were you last December? — I was at my grandma's house one year ago.
3. What did your parents do in 1984? — My parents studied 29 years ago.
4. When did you go to the cinema last? — I went to the cinema 1 month ago.
5. What sort of coffee did you drink last? — I drank a latte 1 hour ago.
6. When did you drive a car last? — I drove a car for the last time one year ago
7. What newspaper did you read last? — I read just a magazine 10 minutes ago.
8. When were you ill last time? — I was ill for the last time 2 weeks ago.
9. Where did you buy your new shoes? — I bought them in the boutique 2 days ago.
10. When did you have lunch? — I had a lunch 2 hours ago.
imagination - situations of individual or group does not correspond to reality, but expressing their desires. Fantasia - a free improvisation on the theme. Fantasize, so imagine, compose, submit. Fantasia - a prerequisite of human creativity, which is reflected in the construction of the image or
visual model of its results in cases where the information is not required (pure fantasy) or it is not enough. An example of this can be scattered archival sources, based on which, the writer creates an integral work, complementing through their own imaginations possible ligament, as well as the possibility of bringing his talent live experience.