Tablecloth is able to bring even the most ordinary meeting the atmosphere of solemnity of the moment. It does not need to be white at all. It all depends on what occasion you came together. If the guests have suddenly arrived, you can choose a bright version with original or funny patterns. This will defuse the situation and set it to a playful mood. If the tablecloth is missing, then do not worry. It can be replaced by other elements of the decor. As a rule, you should not neglect the attributes of serving, because it helps to distract attention from a regular table.Spoons, forks, knives and plates should be fully prepared for the arrival of guests. This means - washed, dried and cooked. Do not start looking for clean dishes when the guests are on the threshold of your apartment. It is desirable that all the dishes were from the same kit, you want to impress the ideal and hospitable hostess. In this case, it does not have to be a porcelain service. Typical white dishes, as a rule, can look even more effective on the table. Special attention should be paid to the cutlery: there must be spoons, forks, and knives on the table. In this case, the fork should be on the left side of the plate, and the knife and spoon with the right. Dessert spoons can be served directly with dessert. Перевод: Скатерть принести даже самой рядовой встрече атмосферу торжественности момента. Она вовсе не должна быть белой. Все зависит от того, по какому случаю вы собрались вместе. Если гости нагрянули внезапно, можете выбрать яркий вариант с оригинальными или смешными узорами. Это разрядит обстановку и настроит на шутливый лад. Если скатерть отсутствует, то не стоит переживать. Ее вполне можно заменить другими элементами декора. Как правило, пренебрегать атрибутами сервировки не стоит, потому что это отвлечь внимание от обычного стола.Ложки, вилки, ножи и тарелки должны быть полностью готовы к приходу гостей. Это значит - вымыты, высушены и приготовлены. Не стоит начинать искать чистую посуду, когда гости стоят на пороге вашей квартиры. Желательно, чтобы вся посуда была из одного комплекта, вы же хотите произвести впечатление идеальной и радушной хозяйки. При этом это необязательно должен быть фарфоровый сервиз. Обычная белая посуда, как правило, может смотреться на столе даже эффекнее. Особое внимание уделите столовым приборам: на столе должны присутствовать и ложки, и вилки, и ножи. При этом вилка должна быть с левой стороны от тарелки, а нож и ложка с правой. Десертные ложки можно подавать непосредственно вместе с десертом.
Today I will tell you about Lucille. Lucille is one of Mr Prisli's students. She is slender, beautiful, engaged in / fond of photography. He likes to travel and try different food of different nationalities. Also, Lucille is good at sports, she is engaged in swimming. She won many times at competitions. Now she is trying to devote time and study and swimming. She wants to become a swimming coach. For Lucille to combine study and swimming is difficult, but she has close people who cheer her every day. Therefore, she moves forward, no matter what.№2.The next person is a girl from our subgroup. She is nice, kind and attractive, she is attentive to details and responsive. She has good drawing skills, her work on engineering graphics (figure) weighs in the cabinet on the stand, she often wore a green sweater and in the aftermath often wore a lush skirt. She has dark, medium-length hair. Recently she received an order - to do the project at home in 3 days. She liked this work, and it is her interest in the future. She likes to learn. She studied well in all subjects. She is well read, she reads mostly classical literature. Now we rarely communicate or do not communicate at all. I think she will become a good designer. / I'll give a hint, she recently left our college /