Добрый молодец, . а суть то в чем. надо сочинение на языке, да и тема имеется - "еда на новый год", "еда на рождество", "новогодний ужин". ну ты понял. жду, обнял
Britain which is formally known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the political unity of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is located on the British Isles Its total area is about 244 thousand square kilometres. The coasts of the UK are washed by seas of 2 oceans: the Arctic and the Atlantic. The scenery is the coastline is rather picturesque. The capital of the UK is London. The official language is English. The national symbols of the UK are the Red rose and the Lion, the flag 'Union Jack', and the anthem 'God Save the Queen'. Its form of government is a constitutional monarchy. Officially the supreme legislative authority is the Queen in Parliament and the two Houses of Parliament .and the elected House of Commons. But The Queen officially opens each Parliamentary session. The three major parties are the conservative party, the new labour party, and the democratic liberal party. The largest cities are Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh, Belfast and Cardiff. The chief river is the Thames River Britain's major industries include iron and steel engineering, shipbuilding, electronics.
Жила-была прекрасная юная принцесса, дочь короля и королевы. Ей было 17 лет и у неё не было друзей. Однажды она отправилась на прогулку к озеру и увидела лягушку. Лягушка заговорила с ней. Принцесса остановилась и села, чтобы поговорить с лягушкой. Вскоре они подружились. Принцесса стала приходить на озеро каждый день. Однажды утром лягушка была очень грустной. Принцесса спросила её, почему. Она ответила, что она не лягушка, а заколдованный принц. Он попросил принцессу поцеловать его. Они были хорошими друзьями, и принцесса не могла сказать ему "нет". Она поцеловала лягушку, и та превратилась в прекрасного молодого принца. Молодым людям стало ясно, что они полюбили друг друга.
It is located on the British Isles
Its total area is about 244 thousand square kilometres.
The coasts of the UK are washed by seas of 2 oceans: the Arctic and the Atlantic.
The scenery is the coastline is rather picturesque.
The capital of the UK is London.
The official language is English.
The national symbols of the UK are the Red rose and the Lion, the flag 'Union Jack', and the anthem 'God Save the Queen'.
Its form of government is a constitutional monarchy.
Officially the supreme legislative authority is the Queen in Parliament
and the two Houses of Parliament .and the elected House of Commons.
But The Queen officially opens each Parliamentary session.
The three major parties are the conservative party, the new labour party, and the democratic liberal party.
The largest cities are Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh, Belfast and Cardiff.
The chief river is the Thames River
Britain's major industries include iron and steel engineering, shipbuilding, electronics.