Doctor: Cindy, let's look at the treatment of these patients 1. Nurse: Of course, the doctor. Doctor: Ms. Fulton should take 150 mg of antibiotics 2. Nurse: 3. P.O. or by injection? Doctor: Urgent Message 4. Second, Mr. Brown can take aspirin if he asks, but not more than 600 mg per day. Nurse: All right. 5. Talk about it, right? Doctor: Yes, he can't manage 6 Nurse: Got it. Thank you, Doctor. Good night.
My name is Kate and I am 11 years old. Let me introduce you to my siblings - my two elder brothers and elder sister. I look like my mum. She has brown CURLY hair too. I have my father’s brown eyes and freckles on my face. I go to a singing club where we have our band. We learn songs from different cultures and sing at school. James is the OLDEST brother, he is 28 years old. He is his own boss. James has a company. He is tall and has got short brown hair. He has a beard and a moustache. He is like our father who likes casual style in clothing - a T-shirt and jeans. Rob is 22 years old. He is a musician. He plays the guitar and piano in the local pub. He has long black hair and a BEARD. I call him Batman because he always wears black - it is his favourite colour. He is the tallest person in our family. Mary is my elder sister. She is a student. I like her style. She studies to be a fashion designer and she can fit clothes well. She is slim and has got short fair hair. We are siblings but we are so different
1) некоторые старые журналы ... полу.
Ты не можешь забрать их ... ?
2) Лора увлекается ... пожирает ... книги. Когда она читает, она полностью усваивается ... то, что читает.
3) всякий раз, когда она приходит к visut моя бабушка она всегда пытается сделать gooud впечатление ... ее.
4) позвольте представить вашему вниманию мистер Брайан ... всех вас.
5) я устал ... почему-то.
6) она проглотила сладкий ... ей в рот и счастливо улыбнулась ... нас.
7) Ирэн сидела возле окна с крошечный котенок ... ей на колени.
8) в ящике находились ... семь килограммов ... риса.
9) Как давно Спящая красавица была ... заклинание, до того как Принц ее разбудил?