В 3006 появился дом будующего. Здесь появились новые механизмы. Роботы делают за людей всю работу по дому. Появились новый космические корабли где некоторые люди путешествуют в космос и приносят с собой отличные сувениры. Новые технологии достигли невероятных возможностей что люди могут стрелять из лазерных пушек. Машины тоже изменились, теперь они летают по воздуху.
In 3006 appeared in the house of the future. There appeared new mechanisms. Robots do for people all the work around the house. There's a new spacecraft, where some people are traveling into space and bring with them great Souvenirs. New technologies have made incredible opportunities that people can shoot laser cannons. The machine has also changed, now they fly through the air.
In 3006 appeared in the house of the future. There appeared new mechanisms. Robots do for people all the work around the house. There's a new spacecraft, where some people are traveling into space and bring with them great Souvenirs. New technologies have made incredible opportunities that people can shoot laser cannons. The machine has also changed, now they fly through the air.