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Қазақ тiлi

«don`t go out after dark, tom», said ann. ann tom not to go out after dark. a) said d) promised b) threatened e) permitted c) warned everybody was surprised to hear that to the party. a) jim will not come d) jim won`t be coming b) jim wouldn`t come e) jim isn`t coming c) jim doesn`t come «you must do what you are told» , father said to his son. father told his son that he what he . a) must do/is told d) was to do/told b) had to do/were told e) must do/was told c) must have done/was told the burglar replied that . a) anybody had fifty witnesses who saw absolutely nothing. d) he had fifty witnesses who had seen absolutely nothing. b) he had fifty witnesses who saw absolutely nothing. e) they had a lot of witnesses who are said to have seen. c) he had fifty witnesses who see absolutely nothing. she promised that as soon as she my letter, she answer it at once. a) gets/will d) will get/should b) got/would e) got/will c) would get/would she said, «i`ll give him my notes». she said notes. a) that she will give her my d) that i should give him my b) that she should give him my e) that she would give him her c) if she would give him he said, «i can speak english very well». he said that he english very well. a) can speak d) may speak b) could speak e) have to speak c) will speak my wife is … than your wife. a) the most beautiful c) more beautiful b) beautifuller d) beautiful their flat is … than ours. a) more large c) the larger b) larger d) large you are … person that i know. a) luckyer c) the luckyest b) the luckiest d) lucky cats are not so clever … dogs. a) as c) than b) so d) that the situation is … than i thought. a) more bad c) worse b) badder d) bad today the weather is … than yesterday. a) niceer c) much nicer b) more nicer d) nice for me mathematics is … physics. a) more easy as c) easier than b) easyer than d) more easy than this car is … of all. a) an expensive c) a less expensive b) the least expensive d) the little expensive concord was … plane in the world. a) fast c) the fastest b) fastest d) faster the new teacher is … than the previous one. a) many good c) many better b) a lot better d) a lot of good this room is not so … as that one on the first floor. a) the most comfortable c) comfortable b) more comfortable d) comfortabler the more you learn … you become. a) smarter c) the smartest b) the smarter d) smart these jeans are too small. i need … size. a) a large c) a largest b) a larger d) larger we left … way possible. a) the quickiest c) a quicker b) a quick d) the quickest 22. if they …a taxi, they … the train. a) take won’t miss c) will take won’t miss b) will take don’t miss d) will take not miss 23. i … the report today if you … interrupting me. a) finish … will stop c) will finish … will stop b) will finish … stop d) finish … stop 24. if i …more money, i … to england to practice my english. a) had … will go c) had … went b) had … would go d) have … will go 25. if you …more attentive, you … so many mistakes in every test. a) are … wouldn`t make c) were … wouldn`t make b) were … didn`t make d) are … won`t make 26. what … you do if he … your son? a) will … is c) would … was b) will … was d) would … were 27. i …much safer if you … the light at night. a) shall feel … didn`t turn off c) should feel … didn`t turn off b) should feel … don`t turn off d) should feel … didn`t turned off 28. mike …his best to save the situation if he … there, but he was on business. a) would do … was c) did, had been b) would have done, had been d) would have done, were 29. i … it if i … it with my own eyes. a) shouldn't believe, hadn't seen c) had believed, shouldn’t have seen b) shouldn’t have believed, hadn't seen d) had believed, shouldn’t seen 30. if i … good at dances, i … her to dance with me already. a) were, would have invited c) would be, would have invited b) had been, would have invited d) was, would have invited

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17.06.2020 17:48

1. a) said

2. c) Jim doesn`t come

3. e) must do/was told

4. d) he had fifty witnesses who had seen absolutely nothing.

5. e) got/will

6. a) that she will give her my

7. b) could speak

8. c) more beautiful

9. b) larger

10. b) the luckiest

11. a) as

12. c) worse

13. a) nicer

14. c) easier than

15. d) the little expensive

16. c) the fastest

17. b) a lot better

18. c) comfortable

19. b) the smarter

20. b) a larger

21. a) the quickest

22. a) take ... won’t miss

23. b) will finish … stop

24. d) have … will go

25. c) were … wouldn`t make

26. c) would … was

27. a) shall feel … didn`t turn off

28. a) would do … was

29. a) shouldn't believe, hadn't seen

30. a) were, would have invited

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