English some any exercises. Choose the right forms some, any, an or a to complete the following sentences in English.
At twelve o'clock we had
Did you bring
I'd like
water, please
Didn't you bring
I asked the waiter for
I bought
books, but I didn't buy
I have
information for you.
I sent her
card from France.
I want
bread and
kilo of cheese, please.
I've got
bananas and
I have
bad news for you.
She didn't give me
Sorry, I haven't got
There aren't
students here at the moment.
Would you like
Мы подрастает, выбираем книги для чтения сами.
У меня есть любимая книга, которую могу перечитывать много раз. И я с уверенностью могу посоветовать прочитать её своим друзьям, знакомым.
Эта книга «Маленький принц». Её написал французский писатель Антуан де Сент – Экзюпери.
Он пишет о вечных проблемах человечества, о тех качествах, которые мешают людям жить: равнодушии, черствости, жадности, эгоизме. Благодаря этой сказке, я над многим задумалась и осознала, что надо сохранять в себе чистоту души, умение дружить, понимать другого человека в трудную минуту.
-a chance for higher salaries
-be around all types of people (opens your mind to new things)
-increase your career and future opportunities
-gain much more knowledge
-greater sense of responsibilities
-enjoy your young adult life
-does not guarantee success
-costs too much
I think college is a good way to really learn about yourself and to learn about other people. But the career opportunities is up to you, if you intern or study abroad, you have a greater chance at getting a great job upon graduation. I think it's a good opportunity, but go with your heart. I thought college was worth it, even though Im doing something totally different than what I graduated in.