Согласно одной легенде, в первый день марта вышла на опушку леса красавица Весна, огляделась и увидела как на проталинке, в зарослях терновника пробивается из-под снега подснежник. Она решила ему и начала расчищать вокруг землю, освобождая его от колючих ветвей. Зима увидела это и рассвирепела. Взмахнула руками, призвала холодный ветер со снегом, чтобы уничтожить первоцвет. Слабый цветок поник под жестоким ветром. Но Весна прикрыла руками росток и укололасьтерновником. Из её пораненной руки упала капля горячей крови, и цветок ожил. Так Весна победила Зиму. Цвета мэрцишора символизируют её красную кровь на белом снегу.
How can I help nature to want to protect her. At first it seems easy and simple. No, this is a very difficult job to do all my life. To help nature, we need knowledge and skills. You can get them from books, other people's experiences, your own observations. Currently I can only a little. For example, feed them and even rescue animals in distress; to deal with garbage – it's a huge problem in the 21st century; so I can make feeders and houses for birds; to help sick trees and shrubs. In place of the old, dead plants I can plant new and in the future to care for them. Nature should be protected and try to save it and to preserve nature we need to observe a few simple rules 1 no littering 2 no ripping 3 rare flowers not to destroy rare animals. Need to maintain populations of all species and to preserve nature for the next generation. I follow these rules and trying to preserve nature.
No, this is a very difficult job to do all my life.
To help nature, we need knowledge and skills. You can get them from books, other people's experiences, your own observations.
Currently I can only a little. For example, feed them and even rescue animals in distress; to deal with garbage – it's a huge problem in the 21st century; so I can make feeders and houses for birds; to help sick trees and shrubs. In place of the old, dead plants I can plant new and in the future to care for them.
Nature should be protected and try to save it and to preserve nature we need to observe a few simple rules 1 no littering 2 no ripping 3 rare flowers not to destroy rare animals. Need to maintain populations of all species and to preserve nature for the next generation. I follow these rules and trying to preserve nature.