Перевод: На неделе я вернулась домой после уроков. Я казалась очень уставшей, поэтому решила подкрепиться, чтобы набраться энергии. Затем я вымыла посуду и начала заниматься домашним заданием. Сделав уроки, я встретила свою любимую маму с работы и ей отнести сумки на кухню. Мы друг другу рассказали как день и выпили с ней чаю. Это была отличная беседа! Текст: Last week I returned home after school. I seemed very tired so decided to eat to gain energy. Then I washed the dishes and started doing homework. Doing homework, I met my beloved mom and helped her carry the bags to the kitchen. We are told how the day went and drank her tea. It was a great conversation!
1. My friend Liz watches both new films and old ones, she is a great cinema lover. 2. The old part of the town is situated on one bank of the river and the new one on the other one. 3. We always try to buy fresh vegetables, nobody wants old or spoiled ones. 4. This tea is cold, I hate cold tea. 5. Their telephone number has been changed and i don know their new one. 6. They say that to eat dark chocolate is healthier than to eat milk chocolate. 7. Everyone knows that gold rings are more expensive than silver ones. 8. Of all my friends I prefer those who have the same interests as me (в этом предложении нельзя вставить ни one, ни ones, но я бы убрала friends после those)
На неделе я вернулась домой после уроков. Я казалась очень уставшей, поэтому решила подкрепиться, чтобы набраться энергии. Затем я вымыла посуду и начала заниматься домашним заданием. Сделав уроки, я встретила свою любимую маму с работы и ей отнести сумки на кухню. Мы друг другу рассказали как день и выпили с ней чаю. Это была отличная беседа!
Last week I returned home after school. I seemed very tired so decided to eat to gain energy. Then I washed the dishes and started doing homework. Doing homework, I met my beloved mom and helped her carry the bags to the kitchen. We are told how the day went and drank her tea. It was a great conversation!
2. The old part of the town is situated on one bank of the river and the new one on the other one.
3. We always try to buy fresh vegetables, nobody wants old or spoiled ones.
4. This tea is cold, I hate cold tea.
5. Their telephone number has been changed and i don know their new one.
6. They say that to eat dark chocolate is healthier than to eat milk chocolate.
7. Everyone knows that gold rings are more expensive than silver ones.
8. Of all my friends I prefer those who have the same interests as me (в этом предложении нельзя вставить ни one, ни ones, но я бы убрала friends после those)