Эссе по английскому на тему Do people believe in miracles? По плану: 1.Вступление 2. Выражение собственного мнения 3. Выражение противоположного мнения 4.Несогласие с мнением оппонента 5. Заключение
Everything here has been very unpredictable and strange. Even the girl learned long poems and the multiplication table out she is sikos-nakos. Alice herself did not recognize, even decided that it is not she and the other girl. From the endless oddities and grief the main character was crying, aplakov lake in which I almost drowned. She discovered that not one shake in this strange lacrimal lake. Next to her snorted the Mouse. Alice, being a polite girl, I struck up a conversation with her, how embarrassing it would be to be silent. Unfortunately, she was talking about cats remembering their beloved pet back home. But, offended at the callousness of Alice, the Mouse went away.
2Have you discussed the price of the equipment?
3.We have never traded with "Bell end Ko"
4.- Have you ever been in London?
-Yes , was.
5.This month we have a contract for office equipment "Braun end Ko"
6. We have not yet agreed to meet with German businessmen.
7. Recently, this company introduced several
new models.
8. Have you ever been to the Rolan cinema?
- No, I have never been there.
9. This year the firm advertised its products in newspapers and