Every american understands the meaning of “the american dream”, as no other people have
its national dream. it has become an important part of their identity. today the dream seems to
mean that anything is possible if you really want it, but we decided to find out the initial concept
of the american dream.
the puritans, who came to new england in 1620, had their own dream. in england they had
been well-educated and rich, but they did not agree with how the anglican church practised
religion, so they left behind their comfortable lives and set out on a mission. these first puritans
were dreaming to start a new life and give their children a better future, and this was the heart
of the american dream.
by 1776 the new americans had lived in the thirteen colonies for more than 150 years, but
they still did not have their own government. the british took taxes and had authority over them.
so, the colonists started american revolution and fought for their american dream: freedom to
live the life they wanted. these democratic ideal was granted to the americans by the declaration
of independence. in fact, the new united states became an equal society only for the white men.
since the times the meaning of the american dream has changed significantly: from freedom
and equality to a more material happiness. although the dream has always been about achieving a
better life if you work hard enough and think positively. americans love “ rags-to-rich es” stories
about real people who have “ m ade it b ig ” . the biography of well-known abraham lincoln begins
in a kentucky log cabin and ends in the white house. horatio alger jr.’s nineteenth-century
novels depict characters’ success stories, as achieved through honest work and courage. in the
1930s, novelist john steinbeck published “of mice and men” in which the migrant laborers
george and lennie clin g to th eir dream of owning a farm, even as they face brutal poverty. the
2006 film the pursuit of happiness tells the true story of chris gardner, who had been homeless
and even in jail, before he finally grabbed a t a chance and became one of the richest and most
successful african-americans on wall street.
like the people who went to california to find gold in the 19th century, many americans
today hope to “ strike it rich ” in las vegas. teenagers and adults also try to become rich and
famous in the reality tv shows like american idol or big brother. some say that the american
dream has become the pursuit of material prosperity, when people work more hours to get bigger
cars or fancier homes, but have lesser time to enjoy them. others say that it’s impossible for the
working poor who must do two jobs to insure their family’ s survival. yet others look toward a
new american dream with less focus on financial gain and more emphasis on living a simple and
fulfilling life. how about your american dream?
read the sentences and correct the wrong ones according to the text.
1 ) the dream is an expression of the americans’ national identity.
2) over the years of history the idea of the american dream has always remained original.
3) all american citizens obtained the same rights and freedoms after the american revolution.
4) to make your dream come true, it is not only the efforts, but the attitude what also
5) nowadays most americans are sceptical about the news of instant riches or success and
claim it to be dreamlike.
6) people still cant leave the idea of money as the main for happiness.
ответы на вопросы 1) Куда вы с семьёй обычно ездите на каникулах? - В Сочи каждые каникулы.
2) Куда в последний раз ездили? - В Казань
3) Что вы там делали?. - Были в гостях на чаепитии
Объяснение: Сочинение на тему
Летние каникулы
Summer Holiday
This year I had extremely difficult exams in Mathematics and English. But I passed everything successfully at the end of May and I was so happy to feel myself free for the next three months holiday! In June my family and I travelled to Sochi by car. We had a few stops in big cities such as Nizhnii Novgorod, Moscow and Krasnodar to have a look on their points of interest and beautiful places. And on the journey I enjoyed wonderful landscapes of fields, forests and lakes. Fortunately, this summer was especially warm and sunny. So, we spent most of the time on a beach in Sochi, lying in the sun and swimming. Once we had a short voyage on a sailing yacht and even tried to steer the boat by ourselves! Later my mother offered us to make an excursion to Olympic Village and this tour made a great impression on me! Now I have a dream to visit Olympic games. On our way back home we visited relatives in Kazan’ and they showed us the best sights of the city.I lived in a country with my grandmother in July. I was glad to spend so much time together with her because she lives far away and rarely visits us. We went together to the forest and gathered mushrooms and berries. I also met my old friends there and we walked a lot and went for fishing to the river. I like to live in a country during holidays because the air is so clean and fresh, there are no cars, factories and lack of greenery. Life in a country is calm and placid. I had a good time and gained lots of strength there. In August I prepared for studies, read books in English for the next school year and started visiting football trainings.This summer holidays were very nice and I have a lot of good memories about it! Now I am full of vim and vigor to start new term!
В этom гoдy y meня были oчeнь cлoжныe эkзameны пo maтemaтиke и aнглийckomy языky. Нo я вce ycпeшнo cдaл в koнцe maя и был cчacтлив пoчyвcтвoвaть ceбя cвoбoдныm нa тpи mecяцa kaниkyл! В июнe я и moя cemья eздили в Coчи нa maшинe. Нeckoльko paз mы ocтaнaвливaлиcь в бoльших гopoдaх, тakих kak Нижний Нoвгopoд, Mockвa и Kpacнoдap, чтoбы пocmoтpeть дocтoпpиmeчaтeльнocти и kpacивыe mecтa гopoдoв. A в дopoгe я нacлaждaлcя пpekpacныmи видamи лecoв, пoлeй и oзep. K cчacтью, этo лeтo выдaлocь ocoбeннo тeплыm и coлнeчныm. Пoэтomy бoльшyю чacть вpemeни в Coчи mы пpoвeли нa пляжe, зaгopaя и kyпaяcь. Oднaжды mы kaтaлиcь нa пapycнoй яхтe и дaжe пoпpoбoвaли yпpaвлять eй camи! Пoзжe moя mama пpeдлoжилa нam cъeздить нa эkckypcию в Oлиmпийckyю дepeвню, и этa пoeздka пpoизвeлa нa meня oгpomнoe впeчaтлeниe! Ceйчac я хoчy пoбывaть нa Oлиmпийckих игpaх. Пo пyти дomoй, mы зaeхaли в гocти k нaшиm poдcтвeнниkam в Kaзaнь и oни пpoвeли нac пo camыm лyчшиm mecтam гopoдa. Я жил в дepeвнe c бaбyшkoй c июлe mecяцe. Я был paд пoвecти в нeй тak mнoгo вpemeни c нeй, пoтomy чтo oнa дaлeko живeт и peдko пpиeзжaeт k нam. Mы хoдили вmecтe в лec и coбиpaли тam ягoды и гpибы. Takжe я вcтpeтил тam moих cтapых дpyзeй и mы mнoгo гyляли и хoдили нa pыбaлky. Mнe нpaвитcя жить в дepeвнe вo вpemя kaниkyл, пoтomy чтo тam cвeжий вoздyх, mнoгo зeлeни, нeт maшин и зaвoдoв. Жизнь тam cпokoйнaя и paзmepeннaя. Я oтличнo пpoвeл вpemя в дepeвнe и нaбpaлcя cил. В aвгycтe я гoтoвилcя k yчeбe, читaл kниг нa aнглийckom нa cлeдyющий гoд и нaчaл хoдить нa тpeниpoвkи пo фyтбoлy. Эти лeтниe kaниkyлы были зameчaтeльныmи и y meня ocтaлocь mнoгo хopoших вocпomинaний! Teпepь я пoлoн cил и peшиmocти взятьcя зa yчeбy!
My friends and I spend quite a lot of time playing computer games. Computer games are bright and colorful, they have an attractive picture and a large number of genres also attract people. Computer games are not one of my Hobbies, I also like to read, draw and play sports. My friends also have Hobbies such as Reading, long jump, collecting, and more.Teenagers spend a lot of time playing computer games, and this is a fact. If they become too obtrusive, then it will be difficult to do anything, because they are too stubborn.
Перевод: Мы с друзьями проводим довольно много времени, играя в компьютерные игры. Компьютерные игры яркие и красочные, они имеют привлекательную картинку и большое количество жанров также привлекают людей. Компьютерные игры не входят в число моих увлечений, я также люблю читать, рисовать и заниматься спортом. У моих друзей также есть хобби, такие как чтение, прыжки в длину, коллекционирование и многое другое.Подростки проводят много времени, играя в компьютерные игры, и это факт. Если они станут слишком навязчивыми, тогда будет трудно что-либо сделать, потому что они слишком упрямы.