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24.05.2020 02:20 •  Английский язык

Every mode of transport has its own specific document for transportation.for air transport it is the air waybill, referred to as the awb, while for sea transport it is the bill of lading shortened frequently to the b/l. for international road freight, the consignment note completed by the hauler is the cmr note. the bill of lading is one of the oldest documents used in international trade. bills of lading are issued either by shipping lines or by freight forwarders and also by the international federation of freight forwarders association (fiata). all bs/l are fairly similar in appearance, the only difference is the name of the shipping line which is stated at the top. details of the shipment are in the body of the document with the space for signatures at the bottom. the reverse side is filled with the detailed description of the conditions of carriage which become important when something goes wrong. the bill of lading fulfills three functions. its first function is to act as a receipt of goods, as it includes full details of the number of packages and the description of the goods. the b/l is also the contract of carriage between the shipper and the shipping line. the bill is completed after the ship has left the port, and only after that the shipping line can complete the parts of the bill regarding the name of the vessel and the sailing date. the third function of the b/l is as a document of title. this means that anyone who presents the b/l can take delivery of goods. the consignment note is used for international road freight. it is completed by the hauler. the cmr contains the information about the load and the details of the trailer and the carrier. the first copy of the cmr remains with the sender, the second accompanies the goods and the third is retained by the carrier. upon the charge of the goods the consignee will be asked to sign the cmr. the air waybill is used for all airfreight; it is completed either by the airline or the airfreight forwarder who will establish the document. the number in the top right-hand corner is unique and is used to identify the goods at all stages of their journey as well as when they are collected by the consignee, so it is important to inform a customer on the air waybill number as soon as possible. the air waybill is also used as an accounting document with charges added as the goods move through various stages of their journey. there is one more specific export/import document which is called the single administrative document (sad) that acts as a customs declaration. it is used throughout the european union. the sad is an eight-part document which accompanies the goods from door to door; some parts are filled in by the exporter; some by the freight forwarder at the time of export and other parts – by the freight forwarder handling the import. реферирование текста

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26.01.2020 03:14
- Look! Now we have a big house. We have four bedrooms, a dining room, a living room and a kitchen. Ally and I have our own rooms.
- The house is really big! (1) Have you bought any new furniture?
- Yes, our parents (2) have already bought this beautiful dining table. Today we will have dinner together here and mum (3) has already sewn new curtains.
Oh, the room is really beautiful. Can you show me my room?
- Of course, we can. It is next to my room. Mum (4) has just redecorated it
- (5) Has she put a new carpet on the floor? 
- Yes, she has. And she (6) has made this lamp.
-It is very cosy here.
(7) Have you seen the flowers in the garden?
- Yes, I have. (8) Do you help your Dad with the flowers?
- Yes, I do. I always help him in the garden. We (9) have planted these flowers together.
- Good girl !
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14.08.2022 11:43
I’d like … chicken sandwich and … glass of … mineral water. (Я бы хотел сэндвич с курицей и стакан минеральной воды.)Would you like … banana or … strawberries? (Ты хочешь банан или клубнику?)She always has … apple, … toast and … cup of … coffee for … breakfast. (Она всегда съедает яблоко, тост и пьет чашку кофе на завтрак.)The fly is on … ceiling in … kitchen. (Муха – на потолке на кухне.)My mother is … accountant and my father is … lawyer. They work in … same company in … centre of … our town. (Моя мама – бухгалтер, а папа – юрист. Они работают в одной компании в центре нашего города.)How much are … her Italian lessons? – Ten dollars … hour. (Сколько стоят ее занятия по итальянскому языку? – Десять долларов в час.)Where are … dogs? – They are in … garden. (Где собаки? – Они в саду.)… cats like eating … fish.  … cows like eating … grass.  … birds like eating … insects. (Кошки любят есть рыбу. Коровы любят есть траву. Птицы любят есть насекомых.)My favourite subjects are … chemistry and … biology. (Мои любимые предметы – химия и биология.)There is … parrot in … cage. And there are … pieces of … fruit in it. (В клетке попугай. И в ней есть кусочки фруктов.)My granny lives in … small village in … country. (Моя бабушка живет в маленькой деревушке в сельской местности.)Your baby shouldn’t sit in … sun on … hot day. (Вашему малышу не следует сидеть на солнце в жаркий день откройте книгу. Упражнение находится на странице 68.)Ann has been looking for … job for … long time. (Аня ищет работу долгое время.)What’s … matter? - I missed … 6 o’clock train. (Что случилось? – Я не успел на 6-часовой поезд.)Do you like … vegetables? (Ты любишь овощи?)… mother has got … terrible headache today. (У мамы сегодня ужасная головная боль.)There were … tears in … her eyes. (В ее глазах были слезы.)She is … very nice woman but her sons are … bad boys. (Она очень хорошая женщина, но ее сыновья – плохие парни.)Look at … woman. She is … neighbor I told you about. (Посмотри на женщину. Это соседка, о которой я тебе говорил.)3. Поставьте артикли a/an или the, где необходимо.Yesterday I bought … pair of … shoes. Unfortunately … shoes are too tight. (Вчера я купила пару туфель. К сожалению, туфли слишком узкие.)We had … dinner in … restaurant … last night. – What is … name of … restaurant? (Вчера ночью мы ужинали в ресторане. – Как называется 
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