Ex 15 fill in the blanks with a suitable word. use the correct form. translate the sentences into russian. mean (3), meaning, keep v (2), refuse (2), refusal, fetch, agree (2), against, argument, hand v, return v (2), break v(2), join, mind u, choose, follow, upset, surprised, eager 1. if you want your money to be safe, — it in the bank. 2. he wasn't at all sure that he really — what he said. 3. his — to talk the matter over was a bit of a surprise to us all. 4. she was awfully — to hear that there were no letters in the mail for her. 5. her son would be — any minute now. she must start getting the dinner ready. 6. he just — to discuss the matter with me and that was the end of it. 7. the mother was rather — to hear her son — so readily to do the job. she wondered what it could — . 8. we were all most — to finish the job by the end of the week. true enough, it would — longer hours, but we didn't — . 9. can anybody tell me why she — to — us on the trip? 10. the man took one look at the picture and — it back to the woman. 11. is the boy big enough to fully understand the true — of what he has done? 12. could you — me a glass of water? 13. why does he always have to start an — ? can't we arrange matters in a quiet way? 14. i had nothing definite — the man. perhaps, it was just a feeling that i had somewhere deep inside me. 15. "i don't believe they know enough to be able to — the right kind of book for a report. what they need is advice." "i fully — with you. but will they — it? " 16. running down the steps she fell and — her leg. 17. she promised to — my mail for me until i — from my holiday. 18. weekly trips to the neighbouring town to a dance or film helped to — the monotony of their life in camp.
what do you know about а transistor ?
what would have happened if it hadn't The Altair?
1.Транзистор занимал важное место на пути развития вычислительной техники.
2. Транзистор может переключать потоки электричества так же быстро, как вакуумные трубки.
3. Транзисторы были изготовлены из кристаллического твердого материала.
4. В 1974 году компания в Нью-Мексико разработала Altair 8800, персональный компьютер (ПК) в комплекте.
5. У Альтаира не было клавиатуры, но была панель переключателей, с которых можно было вводить информацию
Once I was going shopping. My mom asked me to buy few products: Flour, strawberries and milk. She wanted to make a pie
I went to my local shop. I had a notebook where I have written all of my products. When I came, I was looking for stawberries for a long time! I couldn’t really find them, because most of them were too bad. But suddenly I’ve found a basket with fresh strawberries. Also, I had problems with milk: There were no import of milk, so I was really disappointed. But when I was finding flour, I’ve found one package of milk
After all, I came to the cashbox, and then after having a total bill, I realized that I’ve left all my money at my pocket, which I’ve left on a sofa. This was the most annoying thing in my life! I came home faster, and brought it with me, and finally I’ve paid all my bill and took the products