Ex. 8. Give all possible word combinations:
the perpetrator (разыскать, виновность, выследить, определить
местонахождение, задержать, опасный, наказать, до собна-
ружить, найти, идентифицировать, до и т.д.):
evidence (вещественные, обнаружить, найти, идентифицировать,
собирать, сохранить, представить, изъять, достаточно, искать, нал-
лежащие, достать, имеющиеся в наличии и т.д.);
to trace (преступника, правонарушителя, пропавшсс лицо, разы-
скиваемое лицо, подозреваемого, обвиняемого и т.д.);
сrimе (расследовать, совершить, раскрыть, бороться, столкнуть»
ся, предотвратить, организованная и т.д.);
the crime scene (осмотреть, оградить, защитить, прибыть на,
witnesses (компетентные, имеющиеся в наличии, о идентифицировать, установить, найти, искать и т.д.)
I*ll tell you about Armenia.Armenia is one of the oldest countries in the world.The capital of Armenia Yerevan,early used to Erebuni.One of the ciy was Ani,but now it belongs to Tyrkey.There are remains of kilia kingdom,where the armenians in the 11-12 centuries had access to the Mediterranean Sea.There are now the Kurds,who still haven*t got their territory.In the center of Yerevan there is the square of Mesrop Mashtoth,it used to be the square of Lenin.
There used to be Lenin*s statues.
Nowadays there are beutiful buildings and colorful,singing fantans.This is a favorite place for tourists
My name is (твое имя). I go to school five days a week. Classes begin at half past eight in the morning. Each lesson last for forty five minutes. Every day we have 7 or 6 lessons. We usually have a lot of homework and it takes me several hours to do it. Sometimes I have to sit up to write a composition, to prepare a report or to learn poem by heart. After classes many pupils don’t go home right away. We have out-of-classes activities. I take part in the volleyball club. My favorite subject is Russian. I like it when we discussed something interesting to us. I like my class. I always felt a home there. I am at good terms with my classmates and we often spend out free time together.