Example: 0. Omar lives in the yurt. I 1. Yurt is a traditional Kazakh house.
2. There is a window in the yurt (1)
3. There are six storey in Olga's house. [1]
4 Ben lives in a tent. (1)
5. Helly's house an unusual. [1]
6. She is good at swimming [1]
7. East or West home is best--11
1)Hacker is a person, a new generation, one might even say, a new branch of the evolutionary development of man
2)Hackers are bad and good. Bad hackers are usually involved in petty hooliganism, and for good hacker hacker craft - first of all, the style of life.
3)Hackers called, for example, Linus Torvalds, Richard lately, Larry wall, Donald Knuth, Bjorn Eric Raymond and the other founders of open systems world level. In Russia a striking example of a hacker is Chris Kasperski.
4)a Hacker(literally) - someone who makes furniture with an axe
At school we must ..listen to the teacher and ...do well what the teacher says to us and answer the teacher's questions...
We must wear a school uniform at school.
We must 't ..be late for school... and we mustn't miss the lessons...
We mustn't talk to our friends at the lessons and we mustn't run and make noise during the break. We mustn't litter at school.
В школе мы должны слушать учителя и делать хорошо всё то, что говорит учитель, и отвечать на вопросы учителя.
Мы должны носить школьную форму в школе.
Мы не должны опаздывать в школу и мы не должна пропускать уроки...
Мы не должны разговаривать с друзьями на уроке и не должны бегать и шуметь во время перемен. Мы не должны мусорить в школе.