Example, Sight loss is one of the most common disabilities in the UK. Widespread .(Answer, Widespread disability among British is blindness.)
1. Volunteers work closely with councils and businesses to organise educational programmes.
To arrange .
2. People with learning disabilities are disadvantaged because of discrimination and lack of funding
of community care.
2. Double-entry is the most accurate (превосходная) method of book-keeping
3. Before the last (предельная) war less than half (сравнительная) the beef consumed in the UK was produced at home
1. В простейшем отчёте расходы делятся на "переменные" и "постоянные".
2. Двойная запись является наиболее точным методом бухгалтерского учета.
3. Перед последней войны менее половины говядины, потребляемой в Великобритании, производилось внутри страны.