Exercise 1 (based on the topic “Education”), fill in the missing words: 1. I started at the age of 6 and left it when I was 17.
2. All the children from our went there because it was a walking from their homes.
3. Our started at 8:30 a.m. andtill 3 p. m.
4. There was a behind the schoolbuilding and a green lawn w ith _ in front of it.
5. The ground floor as in most schools is for pupils. Its classrooms are light and _ .
6. There is always so much noise during the on the ground floor.
7. Besides, there is a here where we have physical training lessons and all sorts of.
8. They are with modem teaching materials, necessary and facilities.
9. Opposite the library there is a school where pupils can have a bite during the .
10. If you further go to the third floor you can see an assembly hall, whereand meetings are held.
11. The pupils decorate it on special to make it look more 12. Besides, there are two rows o f classrooms, where we have lessons on literature, history, languages and other .
13. I did well in this subject without any .
14. By the way, our English lessons were always interesting and , and I think my subject is really worth studying.
Monday: (понедельник) : English (англ. язык),Maths (математика), Physics (физика), Geography (география), Biology ( биология).
Tuesday: (вторник) : Art(s) (рисование), Sport (PT=Physical Training), Russian (русский язык), Russian Literature (русская литература)
Wednesday: (среда) : Maths, Chemistry (химия), Music (музыка)
Thursday: (четверг) Russian, Math class, IT (Information Technology)
- (информатика), PE (Physical Education)-(физкультура)
Friday: (пятница) Science (естествознание), History (история), Literature, English, Technology (технология),
Saturday: (суббота) : Social studies ( обществоведение или обществознание), Maths, IT, Technical Drawing (черчение)
По своему дневнику выбери предметы и допиши к дням недели нужные.
A lot of questions. If you divide the task into three parts, each of which contains equal to or less than three questions, you will have more chances for the right answer.