Exercise 13. Join these sentences using the conjunctions as as, not as (so) ... as. The Blackpool team
1. ['bifapt (ən) ] team are good, too.
2. The Sokolniki Football are good. The Bishopton Ground is good. The Dynamo Football Ground is good, too.
3. Dick Harris has scored many goals this summer. Roy Smith has scored many goals this summer, too.
4. It is difficult to find a place to park the car today. It was difficult to find a place to park the car yesterday.
5. The Manchester City team is popular. The Blackpool team is not so popular. 6. My elder brother plays football well. Mary's younger brother does not play football so well. Vesterday's match was not so exciting.
7. Today's match* is exciting. Exercise
14. Insert articles where necessary.
1 "I wonder why Jenkins is not playing today." "He got a leg injury in last match."
2. They will stay in Odessa for couple of weeks when they go to holiday.
3. It was not easy to find If ... day is fine it will be very difficult to get match.
5. My sons are fond of ... fans. They support business. I shall go home as soon as I settle some business matters.
7. "Dixon has opened he gone to Sochi for we heard last night was beautiful. Black Sea for their place to park ... ... car,
4. tickets for football ... football. They are... same team.
6. I have come here an ... score," John shouted.
8. Has business?
9. music pleasure or on
сэндвич с курицей
На 4 порции
Сальса из авокадо:
½ авокадо, очищенного, без косточек и нарезанного
2 столовые ложки сока лайма
¼ стакана нарезанных помидоров
¼ стакана нарезанного красного лука
1 столовая ложка нарезанной кинзы
¼ стакана простого обезжиренного йогурта
1/4 чайной ложки порошка чили
4 ломтика цельнозернового хлеба
Листья краснолистного салата
4 кольца нарезанного красного перца
225 г вареной куриной грудки без костей и кожи, нарезанной тонкими ломтиками
1. Для приготовления сальсы: в небольшой миске смешайте авокадо, сок лайма, помидоры, лук, кинзу, йогурт и порошок чили.
2. Чтобы приготовить бутерброд: слегка обжарьте хлеб и накройте каждый ломтик листом салата.
3. Сверху оберните кольцом из красного перца.
4. Разделите курицу на всех.
5. Покрыть крышкой с сальсой из авокадо
Предложение меню: к каждой порции добавляйте 3/4 чашки сырых хрустящих овощей, таких как брокколи и цветочная капуста, морковные и сельдерейные палочки. А также каждую порцию можно сопровождать 200 г ледяным нежирным молоком.
my favorite character is Malificent . She is a powerful dark fairy who terrifies the kingdom of King Stephen. It was Maleficent who put a deadly spell on Princess Aurora, thus wanting to get even with her parents, who did not invite the proud and vengeful sorceress to her daughter's christening. Being the embodiment of absolute evil, Maleficent is the sworn enemy of three good fairies - Flora, Fauna and Meriveza, who do everything in their power to resist the power of the sorceress and prevent her insidious plans from coming true . I really like this character despite the fact that she played at the beginning the evil witch