EXERCISE 162 Use since or for in each sentence. 1 We have lived here 1989.
2 We have lived here eight years.
3 We lived there - five years before that.
4 They have been here two months.
5 They have been here the first of February.
6 They were in Japan six months last year.
7 She studied French there one year.
8 Then she studied Japanese a long time.
9 She has studied English here then.
10" She has studied English six wecks in all.
11 The students have been here eight o'clock.
12 Charles worked in a shoe store a year.
13 The weather has been good last Thursday.
14 We stayed in Canada several months.
15 Mr. White has lived here November, 1991.
16 They were very busy two or three hours.
17 I haven't seen John quite a while now
18 Bill hasn't been here yesterday morning.
19 The Wilsons stayed at the hotel ... a few days.
20 I haven't heard anything about it the clection
5 This person can be relied on by you.
6 This film was talked about a lot by them.
7 He has never been heard of by us.
8 This room has been slept by nobody lately.
9 The children were looked after by the aunt well.
10Your house will be looked after while you are away.
11 The date of the conference was agreed upon.
12 This textbook is spoken highly of by them.
13 The doctor has just been sent for by us.
14 You are being waited for by somebody.
15 Their grandmother is taken good care of by them.
16 His daughter is read to.
17 This example is often referred to by our teacher.
18 The timetable was approved of by the dean.
19 Kidnapping was restored to by them.
20 Their proposal is thought over by us.
2. Оксфорд знаменит своей историей и своим университетом. Все началось в тринадцатом веке. В то время Оксфорд был городом-рынком со множеством дорог, входящим в него. Город окружали стены, и в нем жило не так-то и много людей. Но Оксфорд становился все больше и больше. Люди строили новые дома, стены, мосты. Вскоре в городе появились собственные дворец с замком и большое количество церквей.
3. Сейчас Оксфорд - большой город. В нем очень много старых и красивых домов. Там очень много интересных музеев, парков и садов. Туристы из многих стран мира приезжают в Оксфорд, чтобы полюбоваться им. В городе много отелей для туристов и магазинов, где они могут купить сувениры. Центр Оксфорда - очень зеленое место. Посетителям очень нравится по узким старым улочкам. Большинство людей передвигается по городу на велосипедах. А кому-то нравится обозревать Оксфорд из автобуса.