Exercise 2. Выберите подходящий предлог и переведите предложения. Письменно!
1. The clock hangs on the wall, … the table. (above/under/on)
2. He has played Hamlet … the stage many times. (on/in/next to)
3. The bank is … the post-office and the beauty salon. (behind/at/between)
4. The ball has rolled … the bed. (on/under/above)
5. Bob and Jane were sitting … in the café … each other. (between/behind/in front of)
6. The gym is … my college. (next to/on/between)
7. The monument is … the right. (in/at/on)
8. The office address is … the top of the page. (in/at/above)
9. He spends all his life … work. (in/at/on)
10. The kettle is boiling … the kitchen. (in/at/on)
Exercise 2. Выберите подходящий предлог
1. The clock hangs on the wall, above the table. (above/under/on)
2. He has played Hamlet on the stage many times. (on/in/next to)
3. The bank is between the post-office and the beauty salon. (behind/at/between)
4. The ball has rolled under the bed. (on/under/above)
5. Bob and Jane were sitting in the café in front of each other. (between/behind/in front of)
6. The gym is next to my college. (next to/on/between)
7. The monument is at the right. (in/at/on)
8. The office address is at the top of the page. (in/at/above)
9. He spends all his life at work. (in/at/on)
10. The kettle is boiling in the kitchen. (in/at/on)
и переведите предложения.
1. Часы висят на стене, над столом.
2. Он много раз играл Гамлета на сцене.
3. Банк находится между почтой и салоном красоты.
4. Мяч закатился под кровать.
5. Боб и Джейн сидели в кафе напротив друг друга.
6. Спортзал находится рядом с моим колледжем.
7. Памятник находится справа.
8. Адрес офиса находится в верхней части страницы.
9. Он всю свою жизнь проводит на работе.
10. На кухне кипит чайник.