Exercise 4 Choose the correct form of the verbs.
1. If a person breaks the law he must bring/be brought first before a magistrates» court.
2. A magistrates' court hasthe powerto fine/to be fined people up to 100 pounds.
3. A magistrates' court can also send/be sent people to prison for up to six months.
4. If a case is too serious it sends/is sent to the Crown Court.
5. If there are any appeals they send/are sent to the Court of Appeals.
6. Appeals on very serious cases consider/are considered by the House of
Lords Court of Appeals.
Exercise 6 Answer these questions.
1. Which courts deal with criminal matters?
2. Which courts deal with civil cases?
3. What is the highest court of the United Kingdom?
4. What kinds of cases is a Magistrates’ Court empowered to hear?
5. In which courts are cases decided by a jury? Where not?
6. How are jurors selected?
7. What can you say about the system of appeals?
8. What is the highest Court of Appeals?
9. What is the function of a Clerk of the Court?
тексn :
The Courts in the UK
The Crown Courts deal exclusively with criminal matters, the County
Courts — with civil. However, the Queen's Bench Division of the High
Court considers appeals from lower criminal courts, as well as civil matters, and the Magistrates Courts, while mostly concerned with criminal
cases, also deal with some civil matters. The highest court, the House of
Lords, deals with all matters (including appeals from Scottish and
Northern Irish courts).
A criminal case usually begins in a Magistrates' Court. Each town has a
magistrates' court commonly known as a Police Court. Such courts consist of two to seven magistrates known as justices of the peace. They are
often without legal training and knowledge of the law. In some cases they
are advised by a Clerk of the Court, a trained lawyer. A Magistrates' Court is in session twice each week As the lowest criminal court, a Magistrates'
Court is empowered to hear certain cases only. Some minor cases, such
as parking violations, are dealt with only by the magistrates. Some serious
crimes, like murder, must go to the Crown Courts. And there are some
offences where the defendant is given the choice of having his case heard
in the Magistrates' Court or the Crown Court. In the Crown Court, cases
are decided by a jury, that is, ordinary members of the public.
In a Crown Court trial there are twelve jurors. These are ordinary
members of the public between the ages of 18 and 70 who are selected
at random.ѝѝ
A defendant found guilty may appeal to the local Crown Court or to the
Queen's Bench Division. Appeals from the Crown Court go first to the
High Court and, in special cases, to the Court of Appeals.
Members of the House of Lords, the Law Lords only, sit as a court of
appeal, and their decisions on both criminal and civil matters are binding upon all other courts.
2.Sport is very important part of our life.-Спорт является очень важной частью нашей жизни.
3.Tennis became very popular now.-Теннис стал очень популярным сейчас.
4.Why do I go in for sports? -Зачем я занимаюсь спортом?
5.My favourite proverb says: "A sound mind in sound body".-Моя любимая пословица гласит: "здоровый дух в здоровом теле"
6.Many people go in for sports, they jogging, walking, swimming, skating, skiing, train themselves in clubs and different sections.-Многие люди занимаются спортом, они бег трусцой, ходьба, плавание, катание на коньках, катание на лыжах, тренируются в клубах и разных секциях.
7. It is popular among young and old people.Он пользуется популярностью среди молодых и старых людей.
8.Physical training is an important subject at school.-Физическая подготовка-это важный предмет в школе.
9.My favourite sport is swimming.- Мой любимый вид спорта-плавание.
10. I go to the swimming-pool twice a week.Я хожу в бассейн два раза в неделю.
11.I like Basketball/- Я люблю баскетбол.
12.Sport is fun for boys and girls.- Спорт любим среди мальчиков и девочек.
13.I don't like fotball.-Я не люблю бутбол.
14. Pupils play volleyball, football, basketball. -Ученики играют в воллейболл,футбол, баскетбол .
15.You can swim? - Ты можешь плавать ?
-Yes, but if you keep studying without working, you will see yourself at 23 or 24 without savings or money for expenses.
-Well, you could work and study at the same time , but it would make your scores go lower.So I would rather focus on my studies.
-I prefer to work and learn with experience.There are things you learn in your professional life that can't be taught at a faculty.
-Yes,but if you want a better job in the future you are going to have to study a masters dgree anyway,sooner or later.
-I see your point.Let's just agree that working or studying are two good options but you depend on the moment.