F) Give a short and a long answer:
Example: Is it a car? …No, it isn’t.
What is it? …It is a house…….
1) Is it a fish? …………………….. 8) Is it Saturn? …………………….. What is it? …………………... What is it? ……………………
2) Is it a river? ….……….…. 9) Is it a mountain? …
What is it? …………………….. What is it? ……………………….
3) Is it a radio? …………………….. 10) Is it a CD player? ……………..
What is it? ……………………… What is it? ……………………….
4) Are these tomatoes ? …………… 11) Are these farms? …………….
What are they? ………………………. What are they ? ……………………
5) Are these pencils ? ……………… 12) Is this a motorcycle? ………….
What are they? …………………………… What is it? ..………………………..
6) Is it a school bus? …………….. 13) Is it a bottle? …………………
What is it? …………………………. What is it? …………………………
7) Is it a horse? …………………. 14) Are these tables? ………
What is it? ………………………… What are they ? …………………
G) Build up questions and give answers:
Example: engineer / William Is William an engineer? Yes, he is an engineer. (+)
good rider / Steve …………………….…… ? ….…………….…………(+)
lazy students / Mark and Lucy …………………………..? …………………..………(- )
soup / hot ……..………………….…? ………………………(+)
the baby / asleep ……………………………? ………………..………... (- )
basketball team / L.A. Lakers ……………………………? ...………………………...(+)
H) Answer these questions:
Are trees green or gray? ………...……………………………………
Are clouds brown or white? ………………………...……………………
Is it an English or French dictionary? (French) ……………………………………………
Is it a sports car or a classic car? (classic) ……………………………………….……..
Is Egypt in Europe or in Africa? ……………………………………….……..
Is it a butterfly or a bee? (butterfly) ……………………………………….……..
Are they skirts or pullovers? (pullovers) ……………………………………….……..
Is he an outlaw or a guardian? (outlaw) ……………………………………….……..
Is your father young or old? (old) ……………………………………………...
Are we army officers or police officers? (army) …………………………………………..
Odnazhdy zlaya ved'ma nalozhila zaklinaniye, i nachalsya sil'nyy shtorm. Sil'nyy veter vzyal nebol'shoy fermerskiy domik, s malen'koy devochkoy i yeye sobakoy v ney, chtoby magiya contry. Ferma upala na nechestivykh s i ubila yeye. Malen'kaya devochka, imya kotoroy bylo Doroti, poshla so svoyey sobakoy po Zheltoy doroge v Izumrudnyy gorod. Mudryy volshebnik iz etogo goroda mog pomoch' yey vernut'sya domoy. Na doroge otvazhnaya devushka poznakomilas' s tremya druz'yami, Chuchelom, Olovyannym Lesnikom i Truslivym L'vom. Strashila khotel byt' mudrym; Olovyannyy Vudman khotel byt' dobrym, i lev khotel byt' khrabrym. Kogda oni prishli v Izumrudnyy dvorets, oni vstretili Usarda, kotoryy prevratilsya v ogromnuyu golovu. Togda oni uvideli yego kak zhenshchinu-devstvennitsu, urodlivogo zverya i ognennyy shar ...