Factors of good health Health pictogram Health is the general condition of a person's mind, body and spirit, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain. The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health in its broader sense in 1946 as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Generally, the context in which an individual lives is of great importance on health status and quality of life. It is increasingly recognized that health is maintained and improved not only through the advancement and application of health science, but also through the efforts and intelligent lifestyle choices of the individual and society. According to the World Health Organization, the main determinants of health include the social and economic environment, the physical environment, and the person's individual characteristics and behaviors. In fact, an increasing number of studies and reports from different organizations and contexts examine the linkages between health and different factors, including lifestyles, environments, health care organization, and health policy. Focusing more on lifestyle issues and their relationships with functional health, data from different studies suggested that people can improve their health via: exercise, enough sleep, maintaining a healthy body weight, limiting alcohol use, and avoiding smoking. In addition to that, the ability to adapt and to self-manage have been suggested as core components of human health. Personal health also depends partially on the social structure of a person's life. The maintenance of strong social relationships, volunteering, and other social activities have been linked to positive mental health and even increased longevity. In contrast, prolonged psychological stress may negatively impact health, and has been cited as a factor in cognitive impairment with aging, depressive illness, and expression of disease. 1.Definition of health includes physical and mental aspects True/False 2.Lifestyle choices constitute an important determinant to health True/False 3.Being sociable can improve health True/False 4.Prolonged stress can cause only physical health problems True/False
1. The first person whom Andrew SAW as he ENTERED was his old nurse. She WAS SITTING on the sofa. During the last five years she HAD greatly CHANGED and now LOOKED a very old woman.
2. She is going to read a letter she HAS just RECEIVED.
3. How long HAVE you BEEN WAITING for me? I am really very sorry.
4. Yesterday I MET a friend of mine whom I HAD NOT SEEN for a long time.
5. Ring me up at eleven o'clock, I WILL NOT BE SLEEPING YET
6. You WILL BE late for the concert if you DO NOT TAKE a taxi.
7. The sun SET a long time ago, and it BEGINS\BEGAN to get really cold.
8. When I CAMEhome yesterday, my sister HAD already RETURNED and WAS SITTING at the fireplace looking through some old photographs.
9. He HAD SMOKED three cigarettes and WAS LOOKING through all the books on the shelf, when at last he HEARD his friend's steps approaching the door.
10. He HAD just APPROACHED the door, when she ENTERED.
11. He HAS BEEN WRITING the composition for three hours and he SAYS he WILL soon FINISH it as he IS THINKING over the conclusion now.
ты мне когда то вотответ (ссори если не правильно)
Однажды люди жили ужасно без холма,
произошло землетрясение. Ксиленд исчез в
океан. Omly, раздраженный, sker viac ros сказал
история зародыша easteptare,
Существовала ли Атлантида?
Вышеупомянутые теории о том, где
Атлантида была, то ли недалеко от Азорских островов,
или в Средиземном море, недалеко от Сардинии,
Крит, Мальта или Санторини, кажется, что
область между Санторини и Критом в
Греция наиболее вероятна. Много
люди верят, что Атлантида затонула на
в то же время сильное землетрясение
разрушил остров