. Fill in the blank with the vocabulary word that best fits the meaning of each sentence: 1. ...of the local people.
2. Inspired by what she had said, he attacked the problem with renewed
3. Youmust
4. Our research has not shown us anything so far, so there is little ...
to continue with it.
5. A confrontation was ... because they disliked each other so much.
6. His family can ... its his history back to the 10th century.
7. One sharp remark is enough ... him.
8. Onceshehas...ondoingit,youwon’tgethertochangehermind.
9. The climbing of Mount Everest was an outstanding example of
10. Your behaviour lacks ... — you say one thing and do another!
11. Large price increases could ... demands for even larger wage
Кревская уния создала реальные предпосылки для борьбы с внешней угрозой. Одновременно она вызвала опасность польской экспансии на территорию Великого княжества Литовского.Однако последнее оставалось еще достаточно мощным и жизнедеятельным, а литовская знать - слишком уверенной в своих силах, чтобы позволить Польше поглотить себя.Поэтому реализация условий унии, попытки ликвидировать государственный суверенитет Литвы и превратить зависимые от нее земли Руси на объект феодальной колонизации польской элитой, которой принадлежала ведущая роль в новом образовании, сразу же вызвала сильное противодействие. Как следствие, в течение почти двух столетий после заключения Кревской унии сохранялась государственная обособленность Литвы и Польши, которые, несмотря на общего владельца, оставались двумя самостоятельными политическими организмами.
My favourite fruit is orange.
2) What is your favourite vegetable?
My favourite vegetable is tomato.
3) What do you usually eat for dinner?
For dinner I usually (eat) have soup.
4) When do you usually have supper?
I usually have supper at 6p.m.
5) Who cooks in your family?
My mother cooks in my family.
6) Do you like ice-cream?
I like ice-cream.
7) Do you have your breakfast at home or at school?
I have my breakfast at home.
8) Do you eat at school canteen?
I sometimes eat at school canteen.
1. Every year people in the world are becoming fatter.
2. Finger food is fast food which can be eaten without forks and knives.
3. Fast food is usually served in cartons, bags or plastic wrappings.
4. People are overweight because they eat fast food in a hurry.
5. Eating of junk food can lead to health problems.
6. To be healthy a person needs to have enough minerals, proteins, vitamins.