Fill in the blanks with an adjective of the appropriate degree of comparison. 1. Susan is better-looking than Ada; however, Liz is
a) the best-looking
b) better-looking
c) good-looking
2. Their children are not well-behaved. Actually they are children I've ever seen.
a) the worst-behaved
b) worse-behaved
c) badly-behaved
3. I have never liked studying Chemistry; it is subject for me.
a) the least interesting
b) less interesting
c) the most interesting
4 Her illness was than we at first had thought.
a) not as serious
b) the most serious
c) far more serious
5. Leo drives a car well, but Collin does it
a)the best
b) better
C) as well
6. I like skiing as skating
a) as much
c)as more
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-Hi, какое-нибудь имя!
-Hello, какое-нибудь имя!
-Is this your home?
Это твой дом?
-Yes, this is.
Да, это он
-How long have you been here?
Как долго ты здесь?
-Two months.
Два месяца
-What do you like at home?
Что тебе нравится дома?
-My room, I guess.
Моя комната, я полагаю
-What is there?
Что там?(что там есть, в комнате)
-Hm, a computer, my bed, closed, walls.
Хм, компьютер, моя кровать, шкаф, стены.
-Cool! Oh, I'm already late for school!
Клёво! О, я уже опоздала в школу!
-Today is Sunday. You must be at home!
Сегодня воскресенье. Ты ДОЛЖНА быть дома!
-My home is a school!
Мой дом -- это школа!
-Goodbye, wonk!
Пока, зубрила!