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05.09.2020 05:29 •  Английский язык

Fill in the blanks with do(n’t), does(n’t), is(n’t), are(n’t). 1. A: Jake drink coffee?
B: Yes, he , but he drink tea.
2. A: Lee Japanese?
B: Yes, she . But she live in Japan.
3. A: Mary live in a flat?
B: No, she . She lives in a detached house.
4. A: you wear short skirts?
B: No, I . I wear long skirts.
5. A: your grandparents retired now?
B: Yes, they .They work any more.

№3 Fill in a, the, -
1. …White Sea is in … north of our country.
2. … Pacific Ocean is very deep.
3. Is … Canada the largest country in … America?
4. … Red Sea is between … Africa and … Asia.
5. … France is to … north of … Italy.

№4 Read the texts (1-4) and match them with the titles (a-e). There is one title you don’t have to use.
a) School Sports Club
b) School Theater
c) Talking to a Famous School-leaver
d) School Rules
e) American School Year

1. This state school is very democratic. Pupils don’t wear uniforms. Here children choose and wear clothes they like but they can’t wear some colours. They mustn’t take take stereos or mobiles to school. Some pupils who are 16 may drive to school. Small children go to school by bus or use their bikes.
2. Well, I began my career as a photographer in Fleet Street. It was very good for a young man. There I learned a lot of important things. I learnt to put a picture story together. A picture story is like any other story, but you should take very natural pictures.
3. It is not very long. There are two terms and each has two periods. At the end of each period pupils get a report card with marks from their teachers. In the USA pupils have a lot of holidays. They have two weeks for spring holidays, two weeks for Christmas and three months in summer.
4. Our school has got a lot of clubs where we go after classes. The pupils who like drama come to us. We prepare shows or plays for the end of the school year. The pupils write plays themselves, they choose what they want to show and then work at it. They usually show their plays in spring.

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06.01.2023 14:56
I spent 10 days in language camp in Berlin. I was chosen as one of five students from my country to  learn German language in that camp.
This experience was amazing for me. I met students from many European countries and from Canada and USA.
Our camp was 10 km out of the city.Every day we had classes with German teachers from 9.00-14.00. After that we had free time and we were playing games, swimming in the pool or just listening to the music or chatting. 
We had sightseeing  in Berlin and excursions to Dresden  and Leipzig. I really liked Dresden and his old buildings and monuments.
At the end we passed German language exams and got certificates.
And of course,we got many new friends.
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11.08.2022 09:37

МОДА– проект

I think that in the future people will dress nice and convenient. It seems to me that it will be a sport style in clothes. Most people will wear jeans, t-shirts, sweaters and cardigans. Even now I hate skirts, and even more I hate any dresses. I think I look funny in a pink dress with lace, belts and buttons. I feel very comfortable in a baseball cap, running shoes and a jacket. I believe that the wardrobe of every person in the future will have a large collection of trousers and jeans of all colours and sizes.

Я думаю, что в будущем люди будут одеваться красиво и удобно. Мне кажется, что это будет спортивный стиль в одежде. Большинство людей будут носить джинсы, футболки, свитера и кардиганы. Я и сейчас ненавижу юбки, еще больше я ненавижу платья. Я считаю, что выгляжу смешно и глупо в розовом платье с кружевами, ремнями и пуговицами. Я чувствую себя очень комфортно в бейсболке, кроссовках и куртке. Я верю, что гардеробе каждого человека будет большая коллекция брюк и джинсов всех цветов и размеров.

I believe that clothes can tell a lot about a person. The man who prefers sporty style of his dress, most likely was an athlete in the past, or simply he was interested in sport. Jeans, jackets, baseball caps are favorite things for him. More subtle people prefer the classic style of clothing. They are often the people of creative professions. But the most important thing in a person is not his or her clothes, but it is the person's soul. Even in the most beautiful clothes you can be callous and cruel person.

Я считаю, что одежда может рассказать о человеке очень многое. Человек, который предпочитает спортивный стиль в одежде, скорей всего был спортсменом в или просто увлекался спортом. Джинсы, куртки, бейсболки являются любимыми предметами для него. Более тонкие натуры предпочитают классический стиль одежды. Это чаще всего люди творческих профессий. Но самое главное в человека не одежда, а душа. Даже в самой красивой одежде можно быть черствым и жестоким человеком.

Для юноши)


To start with, I follow the fashion, and I like to dress well. But beautiful clothes aren't always comfortable. Of course, I feel more convenient and comfortable in sports suits and sneakers. But such clothes are possible only if I'm going to go to play football with my friends or to help my parents in the garden. 

At school I would like to wear jeans, t-shirts and sports jackets, but at our school we have to wear a uniform: suit and shirt. Outwardly, it looks very nice, but it's very uncomfortable. 

I love short sports jackets but suit bothers me a bit. I often go to the clubs or to the movies with my friends, and I always choose what to wear. Usually, I stay on black or blue jeans, a light shirt and a denim jacket the same color as jeans. I rarely wear a hat, but if I wear, it's baseball cap the same color of the jacket. 

They say that all ladies pay a lot of attention to their clothes, but I think that men also must look well and dress tastefully.


Начну с того, что я слежу за модой, и мне нравится одеваться красиво. Но красивая одежда не всегда удобная, и с этим приходится мириться. Конечно, удобно и комфортно я себя чувствую в спортивном костюме и кроссовках., но в таком виде можно пойти с друзьями поиграть в футбол или родителям в саду. В школу мне бы хотелось носить джинсы, футболки и спортивные жакеты, но в нашей школе строгая форма: костюм и рубашка. Внешне это выглядит очень красиво, но неудобно. Я люблю короткие спортивные куртки, а пиджак мне немного мешает. Мы часто ходим с друзьями в клубы или в кино, и я всегда очень долго выбираю, что надеть. Обычно я останавливаюсь на черных или синих джинсах, светлой футболке и джинсовой куртке под цвет джинсов. Я редко ношу головной убор, но если надеваю, то это бейсболка под цвет куртки. Говорят, что все девушки модницы и много уделяют внимания своей одежде, а я думаю, что и мужчины тоже должны хорошо выглядеть и одеваться со вкусом.

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