Fill in the blanks with the appropriate connecting elements of the sentence. Deoxygenation is the most important potential effect ... organic waste discharges. However, toxic compounds such ... ammonia may be present in such wastes, particularly where they have been stored ... some time and have become septic. This can happen ... farm wastes, in which the presence of compounds such as ammonia ... hydrogen sulphide probably contribute as much as the deoxygenating capacity of these wastes to the devastating effect ... fish stocks ... pollution incidents.
on, and, in, for, of, with, as.
Все больше и больше людей страдают от загрязнения воздуха и воды . Природа также страдает от земли и химического загрязнения . Среди них увеличение количества автомобилей на улицах , промышленных отходов , миллионная вырубка деревьев , уничтожение места обитания животных , зараженных рек и морей . К счастью, есть много чтобы приостановить эти проблемы . Если все начнут заботиться о планете , на которой живем , многие экологические проблемы могут быть решены
1. Has he got a car? 2. Have they got a house? 3. Has she got children? 4. Have you got brothers? 5. Has he got a new job? 6. Has she got a lot of friends? 7. Have they got a camera? 8. Have you got fish soup for dinner today?
1. I haven’t got a family. 2. She hasn′t got children. 3. He hasn′t got a car. 4. They haven′t got a house. 5. You haven′t got French books. 6. I haven’t got a brother. 7. My friend hasn′t got relatives in Moscow. 8. She hasn′t got friends.