Fill in the correct preposition.
1.People believe that this thing can protect their homes ... evil spirits.
2.The British take their decorations ... before the and of the 12th day after Christmas.
3.Guy Fawkes wanted to blow ... the Houses of Parliament.
4.We see ... the New Year with our frienda and relatives.
5.People knock ... their friends' houses after midnight.
How nice in the spring holiday
To dance to the singing of birds!
How good in the land of my darling
We meet Nauryz.
Among all the Kazakh holidays, Nauryz occupies an honorable place. Nauryz is a holiday of spring and the beginning of a new year. Nauryz is celebrated on March 22. In former times, the Kazakhs called the beginning of the New Year the ulys - kuns as the day of the whole tribe.
Как хорошо в весенний праздник
Под пенье птиц плясать!
Как хорошо в краю родимом
Нам Наурыз встречать.
Среди всех казахских праздников почётнейшее место занимает Наурыз. Наурыз – это праздник весны и начала нового года. Наурыз отмечается 22 марта. В прежние времена казахи началом Нового года называли улыс – куны днём всего племени. (перевод если что)
2. Julia is always ready e. to cast the first stone at her colleagues. Does she think she is perfect?
3. Because of a sudden rain, we had to continue the party in the house, but that was the only g. fly in the ointment.
4. He had never thought of his job as of art. He was always interested only in the f. loaves and fishes of it.
5. He is going to emigrate. He hopes to find b. the promised land there.