У меня такая же тема была, вот пригодилось)) I like to travel. I do not understand people who are sitting at home, do not go anywhere. It's so fun to go to different cities or countries, to visit museums, to find new friends. Travel teaches us to be friendly and open. I can not say that we must always travel without coming home. Houses us are always waiting for friends, relatives. There is nothing dearer home. I travel a lot.I have visited with friends in many Russian cities. With parents and we went abroad. Most often I go to different cities in the competition for radiosports. With friends becomes more cheerful traveling. Пользуйся пока я добрая))
I like to travel. I do not understand people who are sitting at home, do not go anywhere. It's so fun to go to different cities or countries, to visit museums, to find new friends. Travel teaches us to be friendly and open. I can not say that we must always travel without coming home. Houses us are always waiting for friends, relatives. There is nothing dearer home. I travel a lot.I have visited with friends in many Russian cities. With parents and we went abroad. Most often I go to different cities in the competition for radiosports. With friends becomes more cheerful traveling.
Пользуйся пока я добрая))
1) Поднесите левую руку козырьком к глазам.
2) Прижмите правую руку ко лбу.
3) Поскребите подбородок.
4) Сложите руки на груди.
5) Сведите вместе брови.
6) Кивните головой.
7) Коснитесь кончика носа большим пальцем руки.
8) Зачешите волосы наверх.
9) Укажите на дверь указательным пальцем.
10) Идите к двери на цыпочках.
11) Коснитесь открытой ладони.
12) Покачайте указательным пальцем предупреждая.
13) Обопритесь лбом о тыльную сторону левой ладони.
14) Прислоните большие пальцы к вискам.