A zoo is a place where various animals, reptiles, mammals, insects and birds are kept. Sometimes you can see rare species of animals there. Usually zoos don’t contain domestic or farm animals, but sometimes there are children’s areas with such creatures, as donkeys, mini-horses, sheep, geese, pigs, rabbits and even pheasants. These are secluded areas where children can pet and feed animals.
Зоопарк является местом, где живут различные животные, рептилии, млекопитающие, насекомые и птицы. Иногда там можно увидеть редких животных. Обычно зоопарки не содержат домашних или сельскохозяйственных животных, но иногда встречаются детские площадки с такими существами, как ослики, мини- лошади, овечки, гуси, свиньи, кролики и даже фазаны. Это отдельные территории, где дети могут погладить животных и покормить их
It must be said that it is quite difficult to choose your favorite actress. Of modern actresses (of course, I would like to name Russian, but in my opinion, among the popular personalities (личности) of this profession there are not so many really interesting ones) I am quite impressed by Kirsten Dants.In my opinion, the creative path of this actresses is quite interesting. The first known role was in the film The Vampire Diaries, where she played as a very young girl in the company of pretty (довольно) adult (взрослые) celebrities (знаменитости). The early years of her career as an actress included quite a few interesting projectsOf course, many will remember the Spider-Man trilogy. In my opinion, these are the roles that are chosen to earn money and зpopularity. Still (всё-таки), actresses need popularity and recognition (признание) of the mass (масса, массовый зритель).Probably, it is the range (спектр) of roles that speaks about the talent of the actor, and for Dants this range (диапазон) is more than varied (разнообразен). It cannot be called beautiful and attractive (привлекательная) in the banal (банальное) sense (понимание) of American beauty standards (эталоны, стандарты), but her appearance (внешность) is original. At the same time, she admires (восхищать) her talent for working on roles and charisma (харизма).
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A zoo is a place where various animals, reptiles, mammals, insects and birds are kept. Sometimes you can see rare species of animals there. Usually zoos don’t contain domestic or farm animals, but sometimes there are children’s areas with such creatures, as donkeys, mini-horses, sheep, geese, pigs, rabbits and even pheasants. These are secluded areas where children can pet and feed animals.
Зоопарк является местом, где живут различные животные, рептилии, млекопитающие, насекомые и птицы. Иногда там можно увидеть редких животных. Обычно зоопарки не содержат домашних или сельскохозяйственных животных, но иногда встречаются детские площадки с такими существами, как ослики, мини- лошади, овечки, гуси, свиньи, кролики и даже фазаны. Это отдельные территории, где дети могут погладить животных и покормить их
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