Find the definitions (in the right column) of the given words (in the left column). costing
costing sheet
delivery note
overall costs
- the total of all costs
- a form sent to buyer to tell him to expect the goods
- the calculation of overall costs
- a form involved in charging for goods
- a form to prove the buyer received the goods
- an account to show details of alt the transactions
- a special form where all the calculations are written
- the invoices the seller has sent and the money received
3. Study the text and find the English equivalents.
1. ... принять во внимание все затраты ...;
2. ... по меньшей мере, 10% прибыли на единицу изделия ...;
3. ... рассчитать себестоимость заранее ...:
4. ... факторы, которые влияют на цену товара ...;
5. ... компания может назначать более высокую цену за единицу изделия ...;
6 закон спроса и предложения ...;
7. ... работают (имеют дело) с документами, которые необходимы для ...;
8. ... все расчеты записываются в калькуляционную ведомость...;
9. ... документ..., который сопровождает товары, называется авизо…
Before a company can quote a price it should take into consideration all their costs: the production costs, shipping, insurance, etc. The total of all these costs is called the overall cost. The costing is usually done before a good is produced or exported, so the company must calculate (or work out) their overall costs in advance. From these figures they can work out the cost of each model (the unit cost). All the calculations are written on the costing sheet. The company also takes into consideration their profit. They will usually allow a profit margin of at least 10%. So when a company gives a quotation for a model, they have built into the price their overall costs and profit margin.
There are other factors which affect the price of goods, for example the law of sup¬ply and demand. If a product is in demand and not many firms can supply the product, then the com¬pany can charge a higher unit price. On the other hand, making goods in large quantities is comparatively cheaper than producing goods in small quantities. If there is a big demand for a model, a company can produce it in large quantities, and they should be able to quote a lower unit price.
Two of the departments in a company which deal with pricing and selling goods are the Sales Department and the Accounts Department. The sales staff handle the basic forms involved in selling goods (the order and the delivery or advice note) and the Accounts staff handle the forms involved in charging for goods (the invoice and the statement). The form which accompanies the goods or which is sent to the buyer to tell him to expect the goods is the delivery note (or advice note). The buyer signs the delivery note which is then a receipt for the seller to prove the buyer received the goods. The Sales Department then gives the signed delivery note to the Accounts Department which sends the buyer an account each month which shows details of all the transactions that month. The account is called statement. The transac¬tions are all the invoices the seller has sent and the money received.
4. Read the text and answer the following questions.
1. What is taken into consideration when a price is quoted?
2. What is the overall cost? A profit margin?
3. What factors affect the price of goods?
4. When can a company quote a lower unit price?
5. Which departments deal with pricing and selling goods?
6. What is a delivery note?
7. What do you call a statement?
5. Translate the text into English.
При определении цены на товар необходимо учесть все затраты, связанные с этим товаром. Эти затраты называются себестоимостью товара и они записаны в калькуляционной ведомости. Кроме того, при определении цены товара необходимо принимать во внимание доход на единицу изделия. Цена товара также определяется спросом и предложением. Компания может назначить более высокую или более низкую цену в зависимости от количества товара, выпускаемого в продажу. Ценообразованием и продажей товаров занимаются коммерческий и бухгалтерский отделы. Они работают с основными документами, необходимыми для определения цены и организации продажи товара. Наиболее важные из них - заказ, авизо, калькуляционная ведомость, счет-фактура
All english people celebrate Christmas on December, 25th. It is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Preparing for the holiday begins long before December 25th. In November people choose gifts. discuss the holiday menu, send cards and prepare the house for the holiday.
At the beginning of December there is a big Christmas tree on the main square of England and it's lit by lights. All people decorate not only their houses, but the area around it. There are the figures of Father Christmas on the lawns. there are wreaths on the doors and there are lights in the windows.
Анатолій Криволап вважається найуспішнішим сучасним художником України. Про нього сьогодні говорять чи не найбільше. Він — найдорожчий серед представників сучасного українського мистецтва на міжнародному арт-ринку. У жовтні 2013 року на торгах аукціону “Phillips de Pury & Со” в Лондоні роботу “Кінь. Вечір” було продано за $186 тис. Рекордну суму ще ніхто з інших митців не зміг перевершити. Вартість його картин б’є національні рекорди: у середньому полотна продаються по $70 тис. В основному художник малює пейзажі та експериментує з кольором. Статус “найдорожчого” перетворив роботи Криволапа на обов’язковий предмет декору приймалень, кабінетів і віталень багатьох успішних співвітчизників, а його ім’я — бренд.