Finish the following disjunctive questions.
1) All criminal cases pass through the state of preliminary investigation
before they are heard in court,…?
2) Both the Procurators Office and Ministry of the Interior have their own
investigation departments,…?
3) His task is to detect the crime and to expose persons guilty of it,…?
4) This grave crime will be investigated by the Procurators Office,…?
5) Rape is one of the gravest crimes,…?
6) The crime has been detected,…?
7) The case is to be transferred to the Procurators Office,…?
8) He isn’t suspected of murder,…?
9) He will suffer a just punishment,…?
10) He ordered an expert examination,…?
11) The preliminary investigation has not yet been completed,…?
12) She is innocent,…?
13) She was questioned as witness to the crime,…?
14) This action is not provided for by the criminal procedure law,…?
15) Your main task is to prepare the case for court hearing,…?
16) The investigator has instituted criminal proceedings against him,..?
17) There wasn’t enough evidence to prove him guilty of the crime,…?
18) We are called upon to facilitate the objective and comprehensive
administration of justice,..?
19) The procurator will agree with the indictment,..?
Театр – это отдельный мир. Как и любая хорошая книга, фильм – он погружает тебя в абсолютно другую реальность. Заставляет на некоторое время забыть о делах, проблемах, да даже забыть о том, кто ты такой.
Он даёт возможность побывать в таких ситуациях, в которых в реальной жизни побывать тебе не привелось. Это уникальный , взять какой-то опыт, даже не проходя тот или иной жизненный путь.
Кино одно из самых молодых искусств нашего времени. Оно возникло в конце XIX века, чему мы обязаны известным на весь мир братьям Люмьер. Они были первыми в истории, кому удалось снять фильм. Их знаменитый короткометражный фильм «Прибытие поезда» стал сенсацией в то время. Именно с этого события начинает вести отсчет прогресс в кинематографе.
Hi Jean-Paul,
How are you? I’ve just finished doing my homework, so I have a lot of free time. Yesterday I decided to start reading “Harry Potter and Chamber of secrets” book. It’s really exciting! Besides, it has a lot of plot twists. So that’s why I highly recommend you to read it! Not only that, I decided to start doing juggling. I should say it’s really hard. I saw some street jugglers last summer. They were doing it amazingly, so I decided to study it. Hopefully there’s enough time now!
See you on Saturday
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