To the question “Describe the Englishman”, many of you would answer: “Stiff, polite, love tea and always talk about the weather.” The opinion of most readers would be based on well-known stereotypes that are not always true.
An important role in creating such stereotypes is played by the literary works of the most famous Russian and English writers: the vivid artistic image of the heroes leaves a trace in our memory for a long time and forms an attitude towards a particular nation. Here is an example from the novel Orlando by the English writer Virginia Woolf:
1.Ты должен сделать свой выбор прямо сейчас.(обязательность)
2.Ей следовало бы работать на работе, а не полировать ногти.(упрек)
3.Он должен был сообщить в полицию о несчастном случае.(обязанность)
4.Мы должны подчиняться их местным законам.(обязанность)
5.Боб, ты должен быть спортивным и подтянутым.(совет)
6.Отцу не следует купаться в холодной воде.(совет)
7.Джанет следовало бы быть более тактичной со своими коллегами.(совет)
8.Мы должны попрощаться со всеми нашими друзьями.(обязанность)
9.Я думаю, вам не следует пользоваться духами Мэри без ее разрешения.(совет)
10.Они не должны были передвигать мебель без согласия моей матери.(упрёк)
To the question “Describe the Englishman”, many of you would answer: “Stiff, polite, love tea and always talk about the weather.” The opinion of most readers would be based on well-known stereotypes that are not always true.
An important role in creating such stereotypes is played by the literary works of the most famous Russian and English writers: the vivid artistic image of the heroes leaves a trace in our memory for a long time and forms an attitude towards a particular nation. Here is an example from the novel Orlando by the English writer Virginia Woolf: