Summer is the best time of the year. We can spend summer holidays in different ways: in a camp, in town, in the country or at the seaside. I like to spend Summer Holidays at the seaside.
I went to the sea with my parents and older brother. We went to the beach every day and relaxed on the soft sand. We played different beach games, collected seashells and sunbathed. We spent a lot of time at the hotel and swam in the pool. We went on a boat tour and admire the nature.
2 лексика и аудирование • специальные дни
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Особый день - День матери
День матери-это особый день в Великобритании. 19 я
делаю маме подарок - обычно несколько цветов, - а
иногда мы с сестрой играем музыку. Мы
в этот день в воскресенье в
Март или апрель
Мой отец всегда ходил
с матерью в
театр или кино после обеда.
Потом она приходит к нам домой. Она
хорошо одевается
в День матери
Многие люди едут на поезде или автомобиле вместе со
своими матерями. Затем
все они
заказали специальную еду
в хорошем ресторане
SV. --
Тебе превод:/
Summer is the best time of the year. We can spend summer holidays in different ways: in a camp, in town, in the country or at the seaside. I like to spend Summer Holidays at the seaside.
I went to the sea with my parents and older brother. We went to the beach every day and relaxed on the soft sand. We played different beach games, collected seashells and sunbathed. We spent a lot of time at the hotel and swam in the pool. We went on a boat tour and admire the nature.
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