Form adjectives from the given words with the help of the suffixes.
Model: care → careful → careless
wool → woollen
Use, frost, rain, rock, fog, snow, ice, sun, noise, speed, nature, trouble, hope, art, truth, possibility, beauty, insist, significance, shame.
1. Use → useful: Use is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-ful," it becomes useful. This word describes something that has a purpose or is beneficial.
2. Frost → frosty: Frost is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-y," it becomes frosty. This word describes something that is covered or affected by frost.
3. Rain → rainy: Rain is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-y," it becomes rainy. This word describes something that has rain or is affected by rain.
4. Rock → rocky: Rock is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-y," it becomes rocky. This word describes something that is full of rocks or has a rocky surface.
5. Fog → foggy: Fog is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-y," it becomes foggy. This word describes something covered or affected by fog.
6. Snow → snowy: Snow is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-y," it becomes snowy. This word describes something covered or affected by snow.
7. Ice → icy: Ice is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-y," it becomes icy. This word describes something made of ice or covered in ice.
8. Sun → sunny: Sun is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-y," it becomes sunny. This word describes something that has sunlight or is bright like the sun.
9. Noise → noisy: Noise is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-y," it becomes noisy. This word describes something that makes a lot of noise or is full of noise.
10. Speed → speedy: Speed is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-y," it becomes speedy. This word describes something that is fast or quick.
11. Nature → natural: Nature is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-al," it becomes natural. This word describes something that is related to or a part of nature.
12. Trouble → troublesome: Trouble is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-some," it becomes troublesome. This word describes something that causes difficulty or problems.
13. Hope → hopeful: Hope is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-ful," it becomes hopeful. This word describes someone or something that is full of hope or optimism.
14. Art → artistic: Art is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-ic," it becomes artistic. This word describes something related to or showing skill and creativity in art.
15. Truth → truthful: Truth is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-ful," it becomes truthful. This word describes someone or something that is honest and true.
16. Possibility → possible: Possibility is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-ble," it becomes possible. This word describes something that can happen or be achieved.
17. Beauty → beautiful: Beauty is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-ful," it becomes beautiful. This word describes something that is aesthetically pleasing or attractive.
18. Insist → insistent: Insist is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-ent," it becomes insistent. This word describes someone who is firm in their views or demands.
19. Significance → significant: Significance is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-ant," it becomes significant. This word describes something that is important or meaningful.
20. Shame → shameful: Shame is the base word, and by adding the suffix "-ful," it becomes shameful. This word describes something that causes or feels shame or embarrassment.