Can we speak
to Rik Morell, please?
Sam's siones
Letoning and reading
susten look at the pictures and follow the text in the box
Bale, Sam and Josie want to find Rik Morell at his home in Los Angeles
Ezeuse me. Can we peak to Pak Morell please?
Sorry, he doesn't speak to anybody.
Therehe 18
Witch (1.put)a King's son under a spell. She (2.shut) him in a great iron Chest. Then, with the help of her magic she (3.hide) the Prince,Chest,and all, in the middle of a lonely forest. No one (4.know) what (5.become) of the Prince,The Prince's father (6.send) men far and wide but they (7.Can,not) (8.find) him.Year after year the Chest (9.stand) there in great wild forest. It so (10.happen) that a King's daughter (11.lose) her way in that forest.She (12.walk) for nine days and suddenly she (13.see) some strange Chest (14.stand) in front of her.She also (15.hear) the Chest (16.speak). The Chest (17.want) (18.know) where the girl (19.come) from and where she (20.go).She (21.answer) she (22.lose) her way.The foice from the Chest (23.say) it ( the if she (25.promise) (26.come) back and (27.marry) him. She (28.agree)
1.1)Are your friends smart and creative?
-Yes, of course! My friends are so clever and creative.
2)What do you do with your friends?
-We love walk in the park and going to the cinema
3)Do you have many friends?
-No, but they are all very close to me.
4)What names of your friends?
-Mike, Lisa and Tom
5)How old are your friends?
- Mike, Lisa and Tom for 12 years
6)Looks like Lisa?
-She is blonde with light eyes
7)Looks like Mike?
-He is tall and thin guy with red hair
8)Looks like Tom?
-He is swarthy guy with green eyes
9)How long have you sign it with your friends?
-2 years
10)Your friends are learning with you in the same class?
-Yes, they are learning with me
11)Do you have common interests with your friends?
-Yes, we love to play guitar and watch movies
12)Your friends do well in school?
-Yes, they are well in school in all subjects.