Four mistakes Chinese Legend Long-long ago there lived an old man with his wife, and their married son. They
lived poorly. Once an old man told his son:
– Let’s go behind the Great Wall and start trading, otherwise we can’t make both
ends meet.
– That’s a good idea, – his son said.
After they’d made a decision, they told it to the old woman and her daughter-in-
law. They were both glad, and soon the old man and his son gathered some money
and went behind the Great Wall.
They stayed in the town called Guchine and started trading. Their business was
really good, and the profit was big enough.
Once they decided to send a letter to their relatives, but neither could write and
so they asked one man to do it. But he didn’t know the hieroglyphs well and
instead of writing, ―The trade is good, we hired one man‖, he wrote, ―The trade is
good, one man died‖.
They gave the letter to one traveler who was going to their native town and
asked him, ―When you go back, please, bring us an answer‖.
The traveler came to their relatives, gave them this letter and said, ―Your
relatives asked you to write an answer. I’m going back to Guchine in a couple of
days, and I’ll come to you to get your answer‖.
When the traveler was returning, he came for an answer, but he saw a funeral
sign on the gate and decided not to bother them.
On arriving to Guchine, he told the old man and his son that somebody had
died. So they were sad and tried to guess who had died. Then they decided to
return back home. The next day they left the town. Soon they reached the junction.
One road led to the uncle (who was his mother’s brother) and the other led to their
own house.
The old man told his son, ―Will you, please, go to your uncle and find out who
had died‖. So the son went to his uncle and the old man went to the village.
The old man entered the yard and saw his daughter-in-law, but didn’t see his
wife. The daughter-in-law saw her father-in-law, but didn’t see her husband. An
old man thought that his wife had died, and his daughter-in-law thought that her
husband had died. But they didn’t say a word, and just started crying.
The son went to his uncle and saw his mother. The mother thought that her
husband had died and the son thought that his wife had died. They were crying
loudly for a long time.
Soon his uncle said, ―You can’t help your grief with tears. Let’s go home, and
I’ll go with you‖.When they arrived home they heard someone crying there. When they entered the
hall, they saw that everyone was alive. The uncle was surprised and asked: ‖Who
are you mourning?‖ So they began to find out why that strange thing had happened
and realized that one hieroglyph had been mixed up in the letter.
Well, you see what might happen if a person who doesn’t know how to write, starts
writing a letter.
1. Give the English equivalents:
1)я собираюсь уезжать в Гучыне и зайду за ответом;
2) он увидел на воротах траурный знак;
3)слезами горю не ;
5)в письме был перепутан всего один иероглиф.
2. Answer the questions:
1) Where did the old man and his son want to go?
2) What did they tell their relatives?
3) Their relatives liked the idea of going behind the Great Wall,
didn’t they?
4) What was their trade like?
5) What did the man who was writing the letter mix up?
С детства я был легко обучаемым и послушным мальчиком. Моя доброта была настолько заметна, что друзья смеялись надо мной. Я особенно любил животных, и у меня было большое количество домашних животных. С ними я проводил большую часть своего времени, и я никогда не был так счастлив, как при кормлении и игре с ними. Мой характер не изменился, когда я вырос.
Я женился рано, и был счастлив найти в моей жене характер, очень схожий с моим. Увидев мою любовь к домашним животным, она никогда не упускала шанс приобрести самых славных животных. У нас были птицы, золотые рыбки, отличная собака, кролики, обезьянка и кот.
Этот кот был удивительно большим и красивым животным, черным и удивительно умным. Говоря о его уме, моя жена, которая была суеверной женщиной, часто упоминала старое народное поверье, что все черные коты могут менять облик.
Плутон - так звали кота - был моим любимым питомцем и приятелем. Я сам кормил его, и он следовал за мной повсюду в доме. Я с трудом мог помешать ему следовать за мной по улицам.
Наша дружба длилась несколько лет, в течение которых мой характер (мои щеки горят о стыда при этом признании) изменился к худшему. Я становился день ото дня более капризным и раздражительным. Часто случалось так, что я ранил чувства других; я и сам страдал, когда был груб с женой. Наконец я даже ударил ее.
Домашние животные, конечно, могли почувствовать изменение в моем характере. Фактически, я начал относиться к ним жестоко. Что касается Плутона, я сдерживал свою жестокость, с которой я обращался с кроликами, обезьянкой или даже с собакой, когда они попадались мне. Но моя болезнь овладела мною - подобно тому, как на других действует алкоголь! - и, наконец, даже Плутон, который уже становился старым, даже Плутон начал ощущать последствия моего крутого нрава.