Future Simple
Task 2. Give the definition for the following (using active vocabulary from our theme):
1.the process of teaching or leaning, usually in a school or college
2. to go to (school)
3. a school for children between 3 and 5 years old that prepare them for school – kindergarten 4.a school for children between the ages 7 to 11 –
5. a school for children between the ages of 11 to 16 –
6. a set of clothes that school children wear so that they all look the same
7. an organization for people who have the same interest or enjoy similar activities –
8. to get good results for exams –
1. education
2. не поняла вопроса
3. nursery school
4. junior school
5. higher school
6. uniform
7. club
8. to pass exams