Getting new knowledge and skills at work is important for Alice. Tom was promoted to a senior manager at work. Eddie Murphy often has movie premieres.
every day i help my mum on the housekeeping. we spend most of our time in the kitchen. there i always learn something new, my mom shows me how to cook new dishes. yesterday we molded dumplings, and today - we cook borscht. before i go to work i go to the store and buy everything i need. then we work together together. sometimes my younger sister joins us, and my mom also helps with joy. behind these troubles, it is not clear how time passes. as we prepare, we can talk about a variety of interesting topics by learning something new about each other. the mother shares her experiences with me and tells interesting stories from her life. that's how i help my mother in the kitchen.
sorry, i haven't been in touch for so long. thank you for your letter.
in your last letter you asked me about music. so, i get crazzy from a guitar. i start playing a guitar when i was on the summer holidays in my grandpa's and grandma's hous. i have understood that math and physics are too hard for me. of this reason i relate my future profession with a music. i want to become a famous musician as a bitles. they give hope for good future for people in their songs and i want to do the same.
sorry, my mother asked me for some help. take care and keep in touch.
best wishes,
(твоё имя) (точку после имени не ставь)
ровно 120 слов, если что +-10% можно это от 90 до 132 слов
every day i help my mum on the housekeeping. we spend most of our time in the kitchen. there i always learn something new, my mom shows me how to cook new dishes. yesterday we molded dumplings, and today - we cook borscht. before i go to work i go to the store and buy everything i need. then we work together together. sometimes my younger sister joins us, and my mom also helps with joy. behind these troubles, it is not clear how time passes. as we prepare, we can talk about a variety of interesting topics by learning something new about each other. the mother shares her experiences with me and tells interesting stories from her life. that's how i help my mother in the kitchen.
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(дале продолжаем писать как обычные абзацы)
dear ben,
sorry, i haven't been in touch for so long. thank you for your letter.
in your last letter you asked me about music. so, i get crazzy from a guitar. i start playing a guitar when i was on the summer holidays in my grandpa's and grandma's hous. i have understood that math and physics are too hard for me. of this reason i relate my future profession with a music. i want to become a famous musician as a bitles. they give hope for good future for people in their songs and i want to do the same.
sorry, my mother asked me for some help. take care and keep in touch.
best wishes,
(твоё имя) (точку после имени не ставь)
ровно 120 слов, если что +-10% можно это от 90 до 132 слов