Girl sees tsunami предложения.
1. Tilly Smith is from Thailand. .
(слово Thailand ошибочное, так как в тексте сказано, что
девочка из Англии). Писать. 1. England
1. England
2. Tilly was at the forest.
3. Girl saw white birds. .
4. The sea started to appear. .
5. She knew that there was an underwater hurricane.
6. Tilly told people to stay at the beach.
7. Tsunami followed 2 days later.
8. Tilly got a prize for her slow thinking.
если вы намереваетесь посетить эту страну в по делам, то знать язык очень при очень важно. ну а так, каждый язык требует работы над собой, изучения его освнов, грамматики, также не следует забывать о произношение .
His name is Nik, his surname is Ivanov. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes, like a sky. Nik's face is oval and he is very tall. We spend our free timetogether, for example: we often play football or visited each other (visit each arc in guests), because my friend live near my house.
Nik is my best friend, because he help me, if i need help, he laugh with me and understand me very well as nobody else, he is an excellent interlocutor and else. I think he will be my best friend forever!