Give a talk about the advantages and disadvantages of public transport. Remember to discuss :
1.Why public transport systems are necessary?
2.The problems in cities and towns caused by private transport ( cars, motorbikes, etc.)
3.The difference in cost between private and public transport.
4.Whether you prefer public or private transport and why? ( 12-15 предложений )
Государственный национальный природный парк «Бурабай» расположен в Бурабайском районе Акмолинской области Казахстана.
Парк называют жемчужиной Казахстана, потому что мы можем любоваться большим озером, высокими горами на севере и находиться в кругу любимых людей.Это прекрасное место для хороших воспоминаний
Самый популярный вид спорта -скалолазание .В Бурабае находится много удобных гор, с которых приятно смотреть на природу. Кажется, буд-то время останавливается и дает тебе пару минут на одых , чтобы все переосмыслить и дальше отправиться в путь. Я не удивлена , что это место так известно среди туристов. Природа исцеляет и именно Бурабай как раз такое место.
When I think about my future profession, I imagine that it must be noble, that is, connected with helping people. So, my mom works as a biology teacher at school. She helps children gain new knowledge. The father, on the other hand, trains athletes in the pool. It helps young swimmers to strengthen their bodies and set new records.
I also want to work directly with people and help them improve their health. Because health is the most valuable thing a person has. When we are sick, we absolutely do not want to comprehend science, or to play sports or anything else. A sick person just wants to lie in bed and wait until, finally, his condition improves. And I want to give people a chance to recover and improve their condition.
To become a doctor, you first need to get a medical degree. It is very difficult to study at such a university, but I am sure that I can master the program. Already now I am well versed in biology and chemistry, and these are exactly the subjects that must be passed on admission. In the future, I am ready to receive new knowledge and improve myself.
I believe that only one who has a certain strength of spirit can become a doctor. Indeed, it is very difficult to face the suffering and illness of people every day. But everything the doctor does, he does for the sake of his patients. And if in the end his efforts lead to a positive result - the recovery of the patient or the saving of someone's life, then this is the best reward for any doctor.