Give degrees of comparison of the following adjectives and adverbs: sport, little, small,wide,big, narrow, young,old, beautiful, easy,many,bad, handsome,tall, charming, expressive, thick, good,large, attractive, graceful,thin, early, well-known, good-looking, deep-seated, delicate, slender,careful, broad, happy, numerous, considerable,lean.
Roll to cut on two parts. One part to smear with sauce, to put a slice of a tomato and a cheese slice. From above to cover with the significant other of a roll. To put in an oven for three minutes. To decorate with green salad.
Bon appetit!
(Бутерброд с колбасой, сыром и помидором:
Булочку разрезать на две части. Одну часть намазать соусом, положить ломтик помидора и ломтик сыра. Сверху накрыть второй половинкой булочки. Поставить в духовку на три минуты. Украсить зелёным салатом.
Разделительные:We learnt Ebglish at school, didn't we? 2) On Tuesdasy I get up at half past six, don't I? 3) Russia is a large country, isn't it? I left home at nine o'clock? didn't I?
Альтернативные: Did you learn English or French at school? 2) Do you get up at half past six or seven? 3) Is Russia the largest or the smallest country in the world? 4) Did I leave home at nine or eight o'clock?
Специальные: What language did you learb at school? 2) When do you get up on Tuesday? 3) What country is the largest in the world? 4) When did you leave home?