1. In the evening 1 often ( go) to see my friends. 2. On Sunday we sometimes ( go) to the cinema or to a disco club. 3. Andrew ( gets) up very early as he ( lives) far from school. He (is) never late. 4. It (is) six o’clock in the evening now. Victor (is doing) his homework. His sister (is reading) a book. His mother and grandmother (are talking). 5. I (am writing) a letter to my grandmother who ( lives) in Novgorod. I ( write) to her very often. 6. It ( takes) me forty minutes to get to school. 7. Hello, Pete, where areyou ( going)? I (am hurrying) to school. 8. When do your lessons ( begin) on Monday? -They ( begin) at nine o’clock. 9. Where is your sister? She (is doing) her homework in the next room. 10. It usually ( takes) me an hour to do my written exercises. 11. Where is Boris? I (am looking) for him. He (is having) dinner. 12. I (am looking) for a cassette recorder. Do you ( have) anything on sale? - Take a look at this little Sonic Walkman. - No, I (do not want) that kind. - Well, this Supersound might interest you. It (is) a good size, it (is) stereo and it ( has) a radio to listen to the news. 13. I (do not know) about you, but I (am going) out to the cinema.
Разные виды английского языка. 1) В давние времена европейцы не говорили по-английски. 2) Только англичане говорили на этом языке. 3) Люди, жившие в других европейских странах, не могли пользоваться этим языком. 4) Англоязычные люди распространили свой язык во всех частях мира. 5) Английский язык, вероятно, имеет наибольшее количество слов по сравнению со всеми другими языками. 6) Люди используют английский язык в воздухе и на море. 7) Английский язык несколько отличается во всех странах, где говорят на нем. 8) Существует несколько разновидностей английского языка.
2. On Sunday we sometimes ( go) to the cinema or to a disco club.
3. Andrew ( gets) up very early as he ( lives) far from school. He (is) never late.
4. It (is) six o’clock in the evening now. Victor (is doing) his homework. His sister (is reading) a book. His mother and grandmother (are talking).
5. I (am writing) a letter to my grandmother who ( lives) in Novgorod. I ( write) to her very often.
6. It ( takes) me forty minutes to get to school.
7. Hello, Pete, where areyou ( going)? I (am hurrying) to school.
8. When do your lessons ( begin) on Monday? -They ( begin) at nine o’clock.
9. Where is your sister? She (is doing) her homework in the next room.
10. It usually ( takes) me an hour to do my written exercises.
11. Where is Boris? I (am looking) for him. He (is having) dinner.
12. I (am looking) for a cassette recorder. Do you ( have) anything on sale? - Take a look at this little Sonic Walkman. - No, I (do not want) that kind. - Well, this Supersound might interest you. It (is) a good size, it (is) stereo and it ( has) a radio to listen to the news.
13. I (do not know) about you, but I (am going) out to the cinema.
1) В давние времена европейцы не говорили по-английски.
2) Только англичане говорили на этом языке.
3) Люди, жившие в других европейских странах, не могли пользоваться этим языком.
4) Англоязычные люди распространили свой язык во всех частях мира.
5) Английский язык, вероятно, имеет наибольшее количество слов по сравнению со всеми другими языками.
6) Люди используют английский язык в воздухе и на море.
7) Английский язык несколько отличается во всех странах, где говорят на нем.
8) Существует несколько разновидностей английского языка.