Globalisation is when people 0) from different nations do things
together it 1) trade easier and creates a glob
marketplace, so we can have cheese from Holland, chocolate free
South America and dothes from Asia. The Internet alloure
information to flow and cultures to spread. People's lives all around
the world are more closely linked 2) ever before. Travel is
quick and easy, and people can communicate from opposite sides of
the world 3) seconds on mobile phones,
Globalisation affects the jobs we 4), the food we eat
the clothes we wear, the music we listen 5)...
e music we listen 5) and the
environment we live in. However, there are huge differences
around the world 6) the people who make the products
and the people who buy them. 7) example, people in
Bangladesh produce expensive clothes in inner-city factories, and
workers in rural China assemble high-tech gadgets.
Today, everyone 8) a citizen of the world, not simply a
member of a local 9) national community. This brings new
responsibilities. We have to consider how we connect 10).
people from other parts of the world, and what our obligations are
to them. We also have to realise that many problems are global
problems and they need global solutions.
answer key:makes,than,in,do,to,between,for,is,or,with
The national flag of England is a white flag with a red direct cross of St. George, considered the patron Saint of the English. The official proportions of the flag is 3:5, the width of the lines of the red cross is 1\5 of the width of the canvas. The first mention of the flag of England with the George cross refers to 1545.The cross of St. George is one of the earliest known emblems of England. He became a British symbol in the middle Ages, during the Crusades.
Saint George became the patron Saint of England in the THIRTEENTH century. There is a theory that the Cross was used as the national emblem (but not the flag), during the Welsh war of 1275.
It is believed that the Cross was adopted by England to grant the Navy special symbols. English monarch Richard the lion Heart originally chose as patron St. George. Then the English court raised the white flag with the red cross, to benefit certain: once the cross was the symbol of Genoa, and England thus fell under the protectorate of a powerful fleet.
- Привет, как ты?- Привет, я хорошо, а ты? Как ваша подготовка к празднику?- О, мы уже украсили наши комнаты. Новый год мой любимый праздник. Я с нетерпением жду, когда мы будем делать подарки друг другу.- Вы уже подготовили свои подарки? Вы предпочитаете дарить подарки или получать подарки?- Да, мои подарки подготовлены. Я лично предпочитаю дарить подарки. Я хочу, чтобы мои друзья и семья были счастливы. Это интересно ходить по магазинам и пытаться угадать, что люди хотят получить. И это приятно видеть улыбки людей, когда они распаковывать свои подарки.- Ну, это хорошо. Но мои подарки еще не подготовлены. Я должен идти в настоящее время в магазин.- Увидимся! С новым годом!- До встречи!