Goldilocks-Never mind the chair!
Narrator-She says...
Goldilocks-Ineed a bed- I`ll go upstairs!
Narrator-The bed she finds
Is nice and small.
She goes to sleep
In no time at all.
Go to sleep,Goldie,
Have a sweet dream,
Think of your porridge Как читать по английски?
With lots of cream!
Sleep on the soft bed,
Sleep for a while,
Stay warm in bed
And wake with a smile!
Освещает - глагол, нач. ф. - освещать, несовершенный вид, переходный, невозвратный, изъявительное наклонение, настоящее время, ед. ч., 3-е лицо,
II. Костя, закрой окно!
Закрой - глагол, нач. ф. - закрыть, совершенный вид, переходный, невозвратный,
повелительное наклонение, ед. ч., 2-е лицо, сказуемое.
III. Если бы ты закрыл окно, никто не заболел бы.
Заболел (бы) - глагол, нач. ф. - заболеть, совершенный вид, непереходный, невозвратный, условное наклонение, ед. ч.; сказуемое.
2. - Could you speak louder, please? I don't hear anything.
- But I am speaking loudly enough and don't understand why you can't hear me.
3. At least John admits he was wrong yesterday to a certain extent.
4. When Greg comes he will solve all the problems.
5. Sofia thinks you are making a mistake but she is too shy to tell you about it.
6. -When are the Johnsons leaving for St Petersburg?
- I don't know.
7. Mrs Morrison usually leads a very quiet life. She meets very few people and seldom leaves her village.